News and Media: Disaster 4564

Press Releases & Fact Sheets


FEMA has approved $1,373,999 to reimburse the city of Gulf Breeze for debris removal activities after Hurricane Sally in 2020.
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Six months ago, communities across 14 affected counties in Florida experienced the devastating effects of Hurricane Sally. Since the hurricane made landfall Sept. 16, 2020, federal assistance for recovery in those counties is approximately $269.2 million.
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Since the federal disaster declaration for Hurricane Sally, Bay County residents have received approximately $9.8 million in total federal funds.

Individual Assistance (as of Dec. 17):

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Since the federal disaster declaration for Hurricane Sally, Okaloosa County residents have received approximately $10.7 million in total federal funds.
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Since the federal disaster declaration for Hurricane Sally, Walton County residents have received approximately $4.2 million in total federal funds.
illustration of page of paper Fact Sheets |

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