News and Media: Disaster 4564

Press Releases & Fact Sheets


Since the federal disaster declaration for Hurricane Sally, Escambia County residents have received approximately $153.1 million in total federal funds.
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Since the federal disaster declaration for Hurricane Sally, Santa Rosa County residents have received approximately $48.1 million in total federal funds.
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Florida residents who applied for assistance from FEMA after sustaining damage from Hurricane Sally receive a letter from FEMA in the mail or via email.
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Since the federal disaster declaration for Hurricane Sally, Bay County residents have received approximately $9.5 million in total federal funds.
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Since the federal disaster declaration for Hurricane Sally, Okaloosa County residents have received approximately $10.2 million in total federal funds.
illustration of page of paper Fact Sheets |

PDFs, Graphics & Multimedia

View the Disaster Multimedia Toolkit for social media and video content to help communicate about general disaster recovery.

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