News and Media: Disaster 4337

Press Releases & Fact Sheets


ORLANDO, Fla. – The Town of Lake Park will receive nearly $3.5 million in federal grant money for the drainage system surrounding Lake Shore Drive. This project will improve existing drainage and address sea level rise due to storm surge, king tides and climate change.

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ORLANDO, Fla. – The City of New Smyrna Beach will receive nearly $1.2 million in federal grant money to elevate flood-prone homes—identified by the city—to reduce the loss of life and property from severe flooding events.

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ORLANDO, Fla. – The City of Tampa will receive more than $1 million in federal grant money to install two permanent generators to support the Krause Wastewater Pump Station.

FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program has approved $1,049,269 to install two permanent 500 kW emergency generators to provide backup power to the Krause Wastewater Pump Station. The wastewater lift station is considered critical to the city and is necessary to prevent wastewater overflows into sensitive areas during severe flood events.

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ORLANDO, Fla. – FEMA has approved $1,958,643 for the State of Florida to help Monroe County defray administrative costs associated with Hurricane Irma recovery under FEMA’s Public Assistance Program.


FEMA funds will reimburse Monroe County for administrative costs related to managing FEMA PA programs and projects. This amount is five percent of the total dollar value of all eligible project costs after insurance and cost share reductions.


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ORLANDO, Fla. – FEMA has approved $3,017,552 for the State of Florida to help the City of St. Petersburg defray the costs of preparing for and responding to Hurricane Irma under FEMA’s Public Assistance Program.

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