DR-4407-CA Final Public Notice

Notice Date

FINAL PUBLIC NOTICE: Bradford Storm Drainage Pump Station Improvement Project (Phase 2), San Mateo County, California | HMGP 4407-295-163R

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide federal financial assistance under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program to the City of Redwood City (Subapplicant) in San Mateo County, California, to mitigate flood hazards by increasing the capacity of stormwater conveyance pipes and the Bradford Pump Station (proposed action). Pursuant to Executive Order 11988 (Floodplain Management), Executive Order 11990 (Protection of Wetlands), and FEMA’s implementing regulations at Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 9, FEMA hereby provides interested parties with a notice of its final decision and an explanation of the alternatives that were considered.

The purpose of the proposed action is to reduce flood hazards in the Bradford Pump Station Drainage Basin in downtown Redwood City. The proposed action consists of: 1) demolishing the above grade Bradford Pump Station control building; 2) upgrading the below grade portion of the Bradford Pump Station with five new pumps: two regular high-flow pumps, a standby

high-flow pump, a low-flow pump, and a sump pump; 3) upgrading the pump station electrical and backup power systems for resiliency; 4) upgrading approximately 3,750 feet of storm pipes beneath segments of Allerton Street, Winslow Street, Marshall Street, Middlefield Road, Bradford Street, El Camino Real, Spring Street, California Street, and Cassia Street to convey storm flows associated with the 30-year storm event. Project activities associated with the storm pipe upgrades would include removing the existing asphalt/pavement, excavating trenches, dewatering the existing pipes, connecting the new pipes to existing pipes, backfilling the trenches, and repaving the roads to restore the impacted areas to pre-construction conditions.

The project area is depicted on the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), Map Panel Number 06081C0301F, effective April 5, 2019. The Bradford Pump Station component of the project and portions of the pipeline improvements would occur within Zone AE, an area that has a 1-percent probability of flooding every year with an established Base Flood Elevation (BFE) of 10 feet. Other portions of the pipeline improvements would occur in Zone X (shaded), an area that has a 0.2-percent probability of flooding every year. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory Map shows the project is not located within wetlands.

A map of the project area and its location within the floodplain and outside of wetlands is available for public inspection. Parties interested in receiving a copy of the map should contact the FEMA Region 9 Environmental Officer using contact information provided in this notice.

Two alternatives to the proposed action were considered: Alternative 1: No Action; Alternative 2: New Pump Station. Under Alternative 1, the existing pump station would remain and continue operating at a level that is incapable of efficiently discharging stormwater. This Alternative is not recommended because it would leave the community in the drainage basin vulnerable to flooding, especially from 30-year and 100-year recurring storm events. Alternative 2 included building a new pump station and drainage pipe network in a new location. This Alternative is not recommended due to higher costs and greater environmental impacts compared to the proposed action, and the lack of a suitable alternative location that would fully address flooding concerns. FEMA has determined that the proposed project is the only practicable alternative available; therefore, the proposed action must be located in the floodplain.

The proposed action would have no significant adverse impact on the floodplain and would benefit the area by reducing the risk of flooding and flood damage. Minimization of flood risk will be achieved through the proposed action increasing the pump capacity of the pump station to handle more storm water. This will mitigate the additional flood risks resulting from more severe flooding that is expected with more frequent and intense storms resulting from climate change.

The pump station improvements will add resilience with new and larger pumps, and emergency back-up generators. The City of Redwood City has declared that the proposed action conforms to local floodplain standards, and would be responsible for the management, construction, and maintenance of the proposed action.

Additional information about FEMA’s proposed action may be requested by writing the FEMA Region 9 Environmental Officer at FEMA, 1111 Broadway, Suite 1200, Oakland, California 94607, or fema-rix-ehp-documents@fema.dhs.gov. All requests should be received no later than 15 days after publication of this notice. No action will be taken before this date.

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