Oklahoma: Southmoore Detention Pond Extension

Moore, Oklahoma, will create an emergency spillway and earthen dam to reduce flooding and damage in local communities.

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Moore, Oklahoma: $1.1 Million

Project Description

The city of Moore, Oklahoma, will expand the Southmoore detention pond east toward South Santa Fe Avenue. This project will allow the city to store more rainfall runoff volume during a flood. It will reduce downstream flooding and damage. With the eastern edge of the pond now at Santa Fe Avenue, a new 140-foot length emergency spillway will be positioned to discharge to Santa Fe Avenue. The spillway will be set at an elevation of 1208 feet. An earthen dam will also be built up along the south side of the pond. This will block the existing spillway direction into the Oak Ridge subdivision. The spillway will be used in a flood larger than a 1%-annual-chance event, or used if a blockage occurs in the principal discharge pipe or downstream storm sewer. This project will result in reduced flooding and damage in the Oak Ridge subdivision. It will also reduce flooding in the Bluestem subdivision, east of Santa Fe Avenue, without creating any adverse impacts downstream.

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