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OpenFEMA Dataset: Individual Assistance Housing Registrants - Large Disasters - v1

版本: 1
Last Data Refresh: 11-21-2022
Entity Name IndividualAssistanceHousingRegistrantsLargeDisasters
API Endpoint
Update Frequency R/P1W
Program URL
分类 Individual Assistance
关键词 Individual Assistance


Individual Assistance (IA) is provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to individuals and families who have sustained losses due to disasters. It is intended to meet basic needs and supplement disaster recovery efforts.

Homeowners, renters, and business owners in designated counties who sustained damage to their homes, vehicles, personal property, businesses, or inventory resulting from a federally declared disaster may apply for disaster assistance. For more informantion, see:

Disaster assistance may include grants to help pay for temporary housing, emergency home repairs, uninsured and underinsured personal property losses, and medical, dental, and funeral expenses caused by the disaster, along with other serious disaster-related expenses.

Disaster assistance grants are not taxable income and will not affect eligibility for Social Security, Medicaid, medical waiver programs, welfare assistance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, food stamps, Supplemental Security Income, or Social Security Disability Insurance.

This dataset contains detailed non-PII data on the Individuals and Households Program (IHP). FEMA provides assistance to individuals and households through the IA program, comprised of two categories of assistance: Housing Assistance (HA) and Other Needs Assistance (ONA). For more information, see FEMA's IHP unified guidance document:

The data is derived from the National Emergency Management Information System (NEMIS). The system has been used since 1998 to process all cases for FEMA's Individual Assistance (IA) program as the system of record. The Large Disasters dataset contains a curated set of disasters for which individuals applied for Individual Assistance. This dataset only contains some of the largest disasters. No new disasters will be added to this dataset. It differs from the IHP Valid Registrations dataset in that it contains invalid registrants and includes the Census Block Group. The Valid Registration dataset contains all disasters, but only for those individuals that are approved or valid.

The data can be used to analyze FEMA's IA program response attributes. This could particularly help local and state governments and non-governmental organizations administer applications for funding from the Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) program for rebuilding efforts during and after major disaster declarations. This data was instrumental in Hurricane Sandy community rebuilding during the costliest hurricane season of 2017.

OpenFEMA users can comprehensively identify data trends that demonstrate needs of particular communities. For example, large numbers of households with elderly residents in areas susceptible to flooding who may need specific design considerations in home elevation, or low-income renters concentrated in communities where additional assistance may be needed to improve recovery.

Please note that there may be some inconsistent address format and systems, address and location reporting translation/miscues, and standard FEMA Geolocation algorithms ill fitted to O-CONUS addresses. Addresses in Puerto Rico and the way they are reported or even understood by survivors and local officials do not match well with the standard use Geocoders (algorithms that take an address and assign it to its coordinate (x, y/latitudal, longitudinal location on the earth)). When geocoders cannot find an on structure/parcel/point match they tend to place a point at the geographic center of various polygon boundaries (zip code, City/barrio, Municipio, etc.), this at least puts the point in the vicinity of the address provided. This is done from a spatial analytics perspective which will still allow the point to be count in an aggregate and still be useful in helping to formulate the bigger picture.

This is raw, unedited data from FEMA's National Emergency Management Information System (NEMIS) and as such is subject to a small percentage of human error.

Any financial information is derived from NEMIS and not FEMA's official financial systems. Due to differences in reporting periods, status of obligations and how business rules are applied, this financial information may differ slightly from official publication on public websites such as; this dataset is not intended to be used for any official federal financial reporting. This dataset is not intended to be an official federal report, and should not be considered an official federal report.

FEMA's terms and conditions and citation requirements for datasets (API usage or file downloads) can be found on the OpenFEMA Terms and Conditions page:

For answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the OpenFEMA program, API, and publicly available datasets, please visit:

If you have media inquiries about this dataset, please email the FEMA Press Office at or call (202) 646-3272. For inquiries about FEMA's data and Open Government program, please email the OpenFEMA team at

Full Data

格式 地址 Record Count Approximate File Size
csv Link to csv 6367334 large (500MB - 10GB)
parquet Link to parquet 6367334 large (500MB - 10GB)

Data Fields

名称 标题 类型 描述 Is Searchable
disasterNumber Disaster Number
Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. For more information on the disaster process, yes
damagedCity Damaged City
Damaged Dwelling City yes
damagedStateAbbreviation Damaged State Abbreviation
Damaged Dwelling State Abbreviation yes
damagedZipCode Damaged Zip Code
Damaged Dwelling Zip Code yes
householdComposition Household Composition
Number of individuals living in household at time of damage yes
grossIncome Gross Income
Self-reported Gross Income yes
specialNeeds Special Needs Indicator
Applicant requires special accommodations to use FEMA assistance no
ownRent Owner or Renter
Is the applicant the Owner or a Renter of the damaged dwelling? O - Owner; R - Renter yes
residenceType Residence Type
Damaged Dwelling Residence Type (e.g., single-family home, apartment). A - Apartment; B - Boat; C - Condo; H - House/Duplex; M - Mobile Home; N - Non-Traditional; O - Other; TH - Townhouse; T - Travel Trailer; ALF - Assisted Living Facility; MIL - Military Housing; CD - College Dorm; CF - Correctional Facility yes
homeOwnersInsurance Home Owners Insurance
Does the applicant have Home Owner's Insurance no
floodInsurance Flood Insurance Indicator
Does the applicant have flood insurance no
inspected Inspected Indicator
Has the applicant been inspected by FEMA yes
rpfvl RPFVL
Real property damage amount observed by FEMA yes
habitabilityRepairsRequired Habitability Repairs Required
Are repairs required to make the dwelling habitable yes
destroyed Destroyed
Is structure permanently uninhabitable no
waterLevel Water Level
Total depth of water in damaged dwelling yes
highWaterLocation High Water Location
Location of the high-water mark affected the damaged dwelling yes
floodDamage Flood Damage Indicator
Due to inconsistencies with other data, this field is being deprecated and will no longer appear in this data set no
foundationDamage Foundation Damage Indicator
Has the damaged dwelling's foundation been damaged no
foundationDamageAmount Foundation Damage Amount
Foundation damage amount observed by FEMA yes
roofDamage Roof Damage Indicator
Has the damage dwelling's roof been damaged no
roofDamageAmount Roof Damage Amount
Roof damage amount observed by FEMA yes
tsaEligible Temporary Sheltering Assistance Eligible
Is applicant eligible for Temporary Sheltering Assistance no
tsaCheckedIn TSA Checked In
Has applicant checked in to FEMA provided Temporary Sheltering Assistance facility no
rentalAssistanceEligible Rental Assistance Eligible
Is applicant eligible for FEMA rental assistance no
rentalAssistanceAmount Rental Assistance Amount
Amount of Rental Assistance in dollars yes
repairAssistanceEligible Repair Assistance Eligible
Is applicant eligible for FEMA assistance to repair the damaged dwelling no
repairAmount Repair Amount
Amount of Repair Assistance in dollars yes
replacementAssistanceEligible Replacement Assistance Eligible
Is applicant eligible for FEMA assistance to replace the damaged dwelling no
replacementAmount Replacement Amount
Amount of Replacement Assistance in dollars yes
sbaEligible Small Business Association Eligible
Is applicant eligible for a Small Business Association loan no
renterDamageLevel Renter Damage Level
Level of Damage: Moderate, Major, Destroyed yes
rentalAssistanceEndDate Rental Assistance End Date
Final Month applicant received Rental Assistance yes
rentalResourceCity Rental Resource City
Rental Resource City yes
rentalResourceStateAbbreviation Rental Resource State Abbreviation
Rental Resource State Abbreviation yes
rentalResourceZipCode Rental Resource Zip Code
Rental Resource Zip Code yes
primaryResidence Primary Residence
Is the applicant's damaged dwelling his/her primary residence no
personalPropertyEligible Personal Property Eligible
Is the applicant eligible for FEMA's Other Needs Assistance (ONA) to cover damaged personal property no
ppfvl Personal Property Verified Loss
FEMA Verified Loss captured during inspection of personal property yes
censusBlockId Census Block ID
Address-based 15-character code that is the concatenation of fields consisting of the 2-character state FIPS code, the 3-character county FIPS code, the 6-character census tract code, and the 4-character tabulation block code. Please see: CENSUS BLOCK ID MAY HAVE TO BE RE-FORMATTED IN EXCEL TO SEE THE ID CORRECTLY. CREATE A CUSTOM DATA TYPE WITH FIFTEEN HASH SYMBOLS: ############### yes
censusYear Census Year
Census period used to obtain Census Block ID no
id ID
Unique ID assigned to the record yes

See Also

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