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Native American Heritage Preparedness Webinar

November National Native American Heritage Month

In recognition of Native American Heritage Month, join FEMA Region 9 in a discussion of partnering with Tribal communities and citizens for preparedness messaging.

日期: 十一月 13, 2024 - 十一月 14, 2024

时间: 11:30 pm - 12:30 am

位置: 虚拟


In recognition of Native American Heritage Month. join FEMA Region 9 in a discussion of partnering with Tribal communities and citizens for preparedness messaging. 

When: November 13, 2024 
Time: 3:30pm-4:30pm PST 
Where: Zoom

Guest Presenter: Jake Heflin; Fire Captain/PIO; City of Long Beach

This webinar is required to be fully accessible to people with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation (sign language interpreters. Braille. CART. etc.). please make your request by November 8th. Last minute requests will be accepted but may not be possible to fulfill. Send an e-mail to or call 202-256-9195. 


Send an e-mail to or call 202-256-9195.