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FEMA Recipients’ Awareness Campaign: Civil Rights Training

Recipients' Awareness Campaign: Civil Rights Training

The Recipients’ Awareness Campaign: Civil Rights Training will inform and educate recipients and sub-recipients of FEMA financial assistance about current civil rights laws and regulations, and Executive Orders.

日期: 八月 21, 2024 - 九月 25, 2024

时间: 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm

位置: 虚拟

Register for Sept 25


The Recipients’ Awareness Campaign: Civil Rights Training will inform and educate recipients and sub-recipients of FEMA financial assistance about current civil rights laws and regulations, and Executive Orders. The webinars will include information about types of discrimination, civil rights compliance requirements, investigations, and compliance review processes. Recipients’ and sub-recipients’ staff members responsible for implementing programs and activities supported by FEMA financial assistance are encouraged to attend the training.

Definitions of “recipients” and “subrecipients” can be found in eCFR :: 2 CFR Part 200 -- Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards.


Leslie Saucedo, Director, FEMA Office of Civil Rights (FEMA OCR)

Marlene Johnson-Moore, Compliance Management Branch (CMB) Chief, External Civil Rights Division (ECRD), FEMA OCR

Vanessa Summers, Civil Rights Analyst, Compliance Management Branch (CMB), External Civil Rights Division (ECRD), FEMA OCR

Alpha Griffin, Civil Rights Analyst, Compliance Management Branch (CMB), External Civil Rights Division (ECRD), FEMA OCR

Marcos Vecchini, Civil Rights Analyst, Compliance Management Branch, (CMB), External Civil Rights Division (ECRD), FEMA OCR 

Training Modules:

  • Module I: Civil Rights Laws
  • Module II: Executive Orders
  • Module III: Civil Rights Key Concepts 
  • Module IV: Office of Civil Rights’ (OCR) and External Civil Rights Division’s (ECRD) Investigations & Compliance Authority and Review Process
  • Module V: Recipients’ Civil Rights Responsibilities 
  • Questions and Answers  


For questions or more information, send an email to
