alert - warning

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This appendix contains three examples of chemical incidents requiring decisions during various operational phases of chemical incident consequence management phases. The first scenario provides an example involving a chlorine release (based on an actual incident). The second example is a case study of an actual chemical warfare agent (CWA) remediation project. The third scenario describes an example of responses that may be taken following a release of the blister agent HD. This information is provided as a template and provides general information to be used along with the information in this framework document. Table B-1 includes information on the activities that occur during each of the response phases and can be used as a guide for both examples.

Table B-1: Generic Scenario Response and Recovery Phases


Phases 2a&b Phases 2c & 3a
Restoration CharacterizationRestoration Remediation
Restoration ClearanceRecovery
Receive and assess information Identify suspect release sites Relay key information and potential risks to appropriate agenciesHAZMAT and emergency actions Forensic investigation Public health actions Screening sampling Determination of agent type, concentration, and viability Risk communication (e.g., public warnings and recommended protective actions)Worker health and safety Detailed characterization of hazardous chemical Characterization of affected area/site(s) Site containment Environmental sampling and analysis Initial risk assessment Cleanup goals Waste management planning Continued risk communicationWorker health and safety Source reduction Decontamination strategy Remedial Action Plan Site preparation Waste management Decontamination of sites, items, or both Verification of de- contamination parameters Seal/cap, decommission, or demolish if necessary Continued risk communicationWorker health and safety Clearance sampling and analysis Clearance decisions Continued risk communicationRenovate or replace Resumed Use/Re-occupation decision Potential environmental and public health monitoring Continued risk communication