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White House Flood Resilience Interagency Working Group

The White House Flood Resilience Interagency Working Group was formed by the White House Climate Policy Office in response to Executive Order (E.O.) 14030 on Climate-Related Financial Risk, which reinstated E.O. 13690 and, in doing so, re-established the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS). The working group is co-led by Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and FEMA to coordinate federal agencies’ implementation of FFRMS and other flood priorities.

Learn More about the FFRMS

Federal Flood Standard Support Tool

The White House Flood Resilience Interagency Working Group, led byFEMA, NOAA, and HUD, in partnership with CEQ and OSTP, developed a Federal Flood Standard Support Tool (FFSST) to enable users to identify the FFRMS floodplain more easily. The FFSST:

  • Is GIS-based;
  • Includes Climate Informed Science Approach (CISA) data for certain coastal areas only;
  • Includes freeboard elevations and boundaries;
  • Will include 0.2% annual chance flood boundaries as well as elevations where available
  • Integrates new data;
  • Shows user-provided location-based visualization of the FFRMS floodplain; and,
  • Generates project-specific reports.

For all approaches, the FFSST will help determine the appropriate vertical flood elevation and corresponding horizontal FFRMS floodplain. 

Flood Standard Support Tool Hub

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FFRMS Floodplain Determination Job Aid

To support agencies’ implementation of federal flood programs and regulations, including FFRMS, the Flood Resilience Interagency Working Group released the FFRMS Floodplain Determination Job Aid (Version 1.1).

Download the Job Aid

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This document is intended for federal agencies charged with identifying whether a federally funded action will take place in the FFRMS floodplain. This job aid is for agency staff and federal financial assistance applicants or other stakeholders (e.g., consultants) that are undertaking the FFRMS floodplain review. The document includes case studies of various scenarios and a worksheet to capture results for floodplain determinations. 

Although the Job Aid is technical in nature and federal agencies are the primary audience, non-federal entities (such as applicants for federal funding and their partners) may use this resource as a screening tool to determine if their proposed projects would be within the FFRMS floodplain.

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Watch a video from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration about key FFRMS flood terms and concepts, and an overview of the FFRMS job aid.
