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B.4. Subaward Implementation

B.4.1. Program Reporting and Monitoring

Quarterly financial reporting is required for recipient and subrecipient management costs. Quarterly financial reporting and data analysis is the process of receiving and analyzing financial information reported by the recipient and subrecipient to gauge progress and compliance with award requirements and to gain reasonable assurance that assistance does not exceed the allowable or approved amounts. FEMA analyzes the data for the recipient. The recipient analyzes data for the subrecipient.

B.4.2. Budget and Scope of Work Change

Additional management costs cannot be applied for after the application deadline. If management costs are approved prior to the end of the application period, they can be amended as needed, using the budget and scope of work change procedures in Part 8.

Recipients are required to report deviations from budget, project scope or objectives in accordance with Part 8. Recipients must request prior approvals from FEMA for budget and program plan revisions.[494]

Prior approval from FEMA is needed to amend a subaward and move project costs to management costs if management costs were obligated prior to the application deadline. A recipient/subrecipient may request a budget change if it is consistent with the program guidelines and regulations. If the subrecipient reduces or moves funds from a project budget to a management costs budget, the amount of assistance available for management costs will also be reduced. The subrecipient cannot request more than 5% of the total amount of the subaward.

If management costs are approved prior to the end of the application period, they can be amended as needed, using the budget and scope of work change procedures in Part 8.
