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California: Belvedere Lagoon Coastal Levee System Resiliency Project

Mitigating sea level rise risk from storms and seismic activity.

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Belvedere, California: $15.61 Million


Consisting of two islands in the San Francisco Bay, Belvedere, with a population in the low thousands, is at risk of flooding due to seismic activity as well as sea level rise.

Project Description

Belvedere Lagoon is under threat from sea level rise and coastal overtopping. The level of impact on life and damage to property varies depending on the severity of an event but could be widespread. The city of Belvedere embarked on an extensive planning effort to better define the problem, engage the community and stakeholders, and find a feasible, reasonable solution to address the problem. A committee called “Belvedere Sea Wall Project” (Belvedere Sea Wall Program I Flood and Seismic Protection for Belvedere) was formed. The planning effort culminated in conducting an alternative analysis in 2020.

The objective of the design is to mitigate the flood hazards stemming from the existing deficient levees to protect life and property along the shorelines and in the lagoon area. The alternative analysis found the most effective and feasible alternative to be a combination of strengthening and raising the existing barriers.
