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FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grants: 404 and 406

Release Date:
5月 3, 2017

Key Message:

  • Section 404 hazard mitigation and Section 406 hazard mitigation funding are distinct programs with  key differences in their scope, purpose and funding.

Section 404 – Hazard Mitigation Grant Program

  • The 404 funding is used to provide protection to undamaged parts of a facility or to prevent or reduce damages caused by future disasters.
  • The entire state - not just presidentially declared counties - may qualify for 404 mitigation projects.
  • The 404 grant is managed by the State under funding provided for in the Stafford Act. Section 404 mitigation measures are funded under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP).
  • The State receives a percentage of the Total Federal share of the declared disaster damage amount (20%), which it uses to fund projects anywhere in the State, regardless of where the declared disaster occurred or the disaster type.
  • 404 grant funding may be used in conjunction with 406 mitigation funds to bring an entire facility to a higher level of disaster resistance, when only portions of the facility were damaged by the current disaster event.
  • All subapplicants for HMGP must have a FEMA-approved local or Tribal Mitigation Plan at the time of obligation of grant funds for mitigation projects.
    • The Regional Administrator may grant an exception to the local or Tribal Mitigation Plan requirement in extraordinary circumstances when justification is provided. If this exception is granted, a local or Tribal Mitigation Plan must be approved by FEMA within 12 months of the award of the project subaward to that community.

Section 406 – Public Assistance Program

  • The 406 grant is managed by the State under funding provided for in the Stafford Act. Section 406 mitigation measures are funded under the Public Assistance, or Infrastructure, program (PA).
  • The 406 funding provides discretionary authority to fund mitigation measures in conjunction with the repair of the disaster-damaged facilities, so is limited to declared counties and eligible damaged facilities.
  • Section 406 is applied on the parts of the facility that were damaged by the disaster and the mitigation measure directly reduce the potential of future, similar disaster damages to the eligible facility.
  • Applicants who have questions regarding the Section 406 mitigation program should contact the State Public Assistance Officer assigned to their projects.