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Flood Resistant Provisions of the 2009 International Codes (2011)

The 2009 edition of the International Codes (I-Codes) contains provisions that meet or exceed the minimum flood-resistant design and construction requirements of the NFIP for buildings and structures. This page contains the following documents, prepared by FEMA, related to the flood provisions of the 2012 I-Codes:

- A compilation of flood resistant provisions of the 2009 I-Codes (IBC, IRC, IEBC IMC, IPC, IFGC, IPSDC, IFC)

- A summary of changes to the flood provisions from the 2006 IBC and IRC.

- A checklist that can be used to guide floodplain managers, building officials, and designers as they compare the flood provisions of the 2009 I-Codes and ASCE 24-05 to the minimum requirements of the NFIP. It is based on the standard checklist used by FEMA and States to review local floodplain management regulations/ordinances to determine whether such regulations and ordinances are complete for the purpose of participating in the NFIP

- Highlights of ASCE 24-05, Flood Resistant Design and Construction, a referenced standard in the 2009 IBC and IRC

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