News, Media & Events: South Carolina

Preparedness Tips

A few inches of water in a 1,000-square foot home could cost more than $10,000 in repairs and replacement of personal possessions. Homeowner’s insurance doesn’t cover most floods. Learn more about flood insurance.

Press Releases and Fact Sheets

联邦紧急事务管理局的救灾援助可为房主和租房者提供资金,用于满足因飓风海伦造成的严重需求、基本房屋维修、临时房屋租赁和其他未保险的费用。FEMA 援助不能替代保险。
illustration of page of paper 情况说明书 |
illustration of page of paper 新闻发布 |
埃奇菲尔德县、劳伦斯县和联合县的房主和租 房者在飓风海伦(Helene)中遭受了未投保的损坏或损失,他们现在有资格申请联邦紧急事务管理局(FEMA)的救灾援助。
illustration of page of paper 新闻发布 |