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Maine Severe Storms and Flooding


灾难期: 4月 28, 2008 - 5月 14, 2008

日宣布日期: 5月 9, 2008

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Additional Information

Preliminary Damage Assessment

  • Maine, FEMA-1755-DR (PDF 37KB) 


个人协助 金额
住房援助 (HA) 总额 - 获批金额 $1,093,134.16
其他需求援助 (ONA) 总额 - 获批金额 $168,336.80
获批个人和家庭计划总额 $1,261,470.96
获批个人援助申请 263
公共援助 金额
Emergency Work (Categories A-B) - Dollars Obligated $538,799.22
Permanent Work (Categories C-G) - Dollars Obligated $3,315,278.37
保留公共援助补助金总额 $2,984,256.53