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FY 2024 Nonprofit Security Grant Program Key Changes

Release Date:
Tháng 4 16, 2024

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The Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) provides funding support for facility hardening and other physical security enhancements and activities to nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of terrorist or other extremist attack. This document outlines key changes for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 NSGP.

FY 2024 NSGP Available Funding

The original FY 2024 NSGP Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) made available $274,500,000 in funding as provided under the 2024 DHS Appropriations Act. The first amended NOFO made available an additional $160,000,000 in supplemental funding for the FY 2024 NSGP as provided under the National Security Supplemental (Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024). This second amended NOFO makes available a further $20,000,000 in supplemental funding provided under the National Security Supplemental (Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024). The supplemental funding has been split equally between NSGP-Urban Area (UA) and NSGP-State (S).

Eligible applicants that were eligible applicants for the initial NOFO and first amended NOFO do not need to submit a new application to be eligible for the additional funding under this second amended NOFO.

Cost Information Moved from the Preparedness Grants Manual

The majority of information on funding restrictions and allowable costs has moved from the Preparedness Grants Manual (PGM) to the NOFO. Please refer to Section D of the FY 2024 NSGP NOFO for detailed information on these cost categories. 

FEMA Grants Outcomes (FEMA GO) System

State Administrative Agencies (SAA) must apply to the NSGP using the new FEMA GO platform. The previous Non-Disaster Grants (ND Grants) platform will become a legacy system for grant programs from FY 2023 and earlier. For more information about FEMA GO, please review Section D of the NSGP NOFO and FEMA Grants Outcomes (FEMA GO) | for additional guidance and tools.

Federal and State Review

Starting in FY 2024, FEMA’s federal review is focusing on checks to ensure SAAs have followed the applicable guidance in their prioritization of projects, validating recipient eligibility (e.g., that a recipient meets all the criteria for the program), validating allowability of the proposed project(s), and checking for any derogatory information on the organization applying. FEMA will not undergo a full scoring of each individual Investment Justification like in previous years. SAAs will continue scoring like in previous fiscal years. The DHS Secretary still holds all final decision-making authority on NSGP awards.

Additional Review Points

Disadvantaged Communities

To advance considerations of equity in awarding NSGP grant funding, FEMA will add 10 points to the scores of organizations that are located within a disadvantaged community and demonstrate how they serve a disadvantaged community or population. New in FY 2024, FEMA will apply Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (created by the Council on Environmental Quality’s pursuant to Executive Order 14008, and which FEMA also uses other programs) to each subapplicant using the address of their physical location.

New Subrecipients

As in FYs 2022 and 2023, nonprofit organizations that have not previously received NSGP funding will have 15 points added to their project score.

Notice of Non-Selection

Starting in FY 2024, SAAs are required to inform nonprofit organization subapplicants of their non-selection. FEMA will provide an optional template that SAAs can use. However, SAAs can modify this template as needed. SAAs are required to inform subapplicants of their non-selection no later than 90 days from the date they accept their NSGP award. Please refer to Section F.3 of the NSGP NOFO. 

PRICE Act Waivers

Starting in FY 2024, there is no longer a requirement to submit a waiver related to the Personnel Reimbursement for Intelligence Cooperation and Enhancement of Homeland Security Act of 2008 (PRICE Act) for contracted security personnel costs under NSGP. Please refer to Section D.12.f.vii of the NSGP NOFO for more information on contracted security personnel costs.
