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Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Grant Program FY 2022 Subapplication and Selection Status

Subapplication Summary

Total Grant Cycle


Subapplicant Status

The Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) grant program provides proactive investment in resilience for communities so they are better prepared and remain resilient prior to a natural disaster. BRIC provides funds annually for hazard mitigation planning and projects to reduce risk of damage before a disaster.

On Aug. 28, FEMA announced the selection of 124 projects for this year’s BRIC National Competition. In addition, this is a follow-up from May 19, when FEMA announced the BRIC initial selections for the Tribal Set-Aside and the State and Territory Allocation.  

The BRIC program also offers help to communities in the form of non-financial direct technical assistance. For this grant cycle, 20 tribal nations and 26 communities (46 total) from more than 100 applications have been selected to receive subject matter expertise and partnership collaboration to bolster a community’s success with project development.

Visit the BRIC Direct Technical Assistance webpage for more information.

Summary of Fiscal Year 2022 Subapplications

FEMA made $2.295 billion available for the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) grant program in fiscal year 2022. BRIC received 803 subapplications totaling more than $4.6 billion from 55 states, territories, and the District of Columbia. The agency also received requests from 37 tribal governments totaling more than $56.2 million in the Tribal Set-Aside funds.

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Reminder: As in previous years, BRIC funding requests exceeded the amounts available for Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant programs. This trend shows the need for more funding to reduce hazards in the United States.

Summary of Initial Selections Announced in May 2023

For the BRIC initial selections announced in May, FEMA selected 325 subapplications totaling $136 million across 55 states and territories, and 34 tribes.

This funding opportunity provided up to $2 million for every state and territory. This is double the amount of federal funding available in the previous year and a significant increase from the $600,000 available in 2020.

Subapplication Selections for the BRIC National Competition

In August, FEMA announced competitive projects from 38 states, including the District of Columbia, across all 10 FEMA Regions. The selected projects have met the basic eligibility requirements and will enter the next phase of the awards review process. FEMA will provide funding through these selections for states, local communities, and the District of Columbia for critical mitigation projects and activities.

These selection announcements are not awards. FEMA will work with applicants “Identified for Further Review” to conduct programmatic reviews of the selected subapplications before making a final decision for funding. 

More Information about the BRIC Total Grant Cycle

FEMA received 803 subapplications totaling more than $4.6 billion from 55 states, territories, and the District of Columbia. Of these submissions, FEMA received subapplications from 127 Economically Disadvantaged Rural Communities, a 15% increase from last year.

Through the National Competition, FEMA selected 124 competitive projects based on the highest composite score until the funding amount available had been reached. These projects are across all 10 FEMA regions in 115 of communities, including one tribe, in 38 states and territories, and the District of Columbia. 

Geography Summary

  • Of the 38 states and territories selected for an FY22 BRIC competitive grant, 23 states or 60% of all states will be first-time recipients for competitive BRIC funding.
  • Fifty-five states and territories across all 10 FEMA Regions will receive funding through the National Competition, State/Territory Allocation or the Tribal Set-Aside.
  • For the third year, the increase in tribal nation requests continued to rise. In total, 34 tribes were selected in the Tribal Set-Aside for an estimated $54 million in funding.   

Nature-Based Solutions

In the FY22 National Competition, 64 projects included nature-based solutions from 19 states and 8 regions. 69% of those projects were Economically Disadvantaged Rural Communities or disadvantaged communities.

Building Codes

  • Of the 124 FY22 National Competition selections, 100 of them come from states that have mandatory building code adoption.
  • FEMA will continue to prioritize the adoption and enforcement of modern building codes in the BRIC program and encourage the submission of capability- and capacity-building activities related to building codes to assist states and local communities in being more competitive in accessing funding. 

Disadvantaged Communities

61% of federal share is benefitting Justice40 disadvantaged communities. Eighty-nine subapplications were selected, totaling $152 million, to support Economically Disadvantaged Rural Communities.

BRIC Direct Technical Assistance Highlights


FEMA announced in May 2023 the selection of 46 diverse communities, tribal nations and territories set to receive non-financial direct technical assistance to help build community-wide resilience. In total, there are now 74 communities and tribes participating in this initiative.

The initiative has proven successful and one BRIC Direct Technical Assistance (BRIC DTA) community from fiscal year 2020 has been selected under the BRIC National Competition for a project with a total amount of $23 million in federal cost share.

An additional 15 BRIC DTA communities and tribal nations (five communities and 10 tribal nations) were selected in May to receive fiscal year 2022 funding for project scoping or mitigation plan development to enhance disaster resiliency.

The project types include riverine and inland flooding, coastal flooding, drought, wildfire, tornado, dam and all-hazards.

For example, the Oneida Nation in Wisconsin had a subapplication selected for more than $9 million in funding for an innovative microgrid project to address the major risks of prolonged electrical outages for the tribes' main health care facilities.

Types of Subapplications for Fiscal Year 2022

This includes data from state and territory allocations and set-aside for tribes.

Uses of BRIC AssistanceNumber of Subapplications SelectedTotal Amount of Federal Cost Share
Mitigation Projects194$1,913,634,611
Capability and Capacity Building Activities255$70,059,908
Management Costs69$296,634,361
Direct Technical Assistance46N/A

Project Activity Types Summary

There are various types of projects eligible for BRIC funding. The lists below reflect the top five project types by federal cost share requested and the number of subapplications requested and the number of subapplications (not including management costs).

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Review definitions for these project types.


  1. Flood Control = $699 million
  2. Utility/Infrastructure Protection = $537 million
  3. Stabilization and Restoration = $175 million
  4. Wildfire Management = $126 million
  5. Safe room/Shelter = $79 million


  1. Flooding = 53 subapplications
  2. Infrastructure Failure = 24 subapplications
  3. Fire = 9 subapplications
  4. Drought = 4 subapplications
  5. Dam/Levee Break = 4 subapplications
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For additional information or to ask questions, grant applicants should contact their FEMA regional offices.

Highlights of the Fiscal Year 2022 BRIC Subapplications


The BRIC program is one of several federal agency programs participating in Justice40, a Biden-Harris Administration initiative to prioritize federal investments benefitting disadvantaged communities. The Fiscal Year 2021 grant cycle focused on advancing support and access for underserved communities.

FEMA set a baseline to achieving the Justice40 Initiative goals which prioritize delivering at least 40% of the overall benefits to disadvantaged communities. This year FEMA established a baseline within the BRIC and Flood Mitigation Assistance grant programs to achieve that goal and will continue to build on the work we have done to ensure equitable outcomes.

FEMA anticipates continued coordination with the Biden Administration and other federal agencies with Justice40 covered programs.

Two examples of FEMA's commitment to prioritize equity include:

This was one of the first recipients of BRIC DTA in fiscal year 2020. After heavy rain in 2008, several neighborhood roads in the village of DePue were flooded. The increased flow at the wastewater treatment plant caused raw sewage to back up into the basements of homes.

As an Economically Disadvantaged Rural Community, the village will build a new wastewater treatment plant on village property outside of the floodway and floodplain. The old plant will be demolished and left as open space.

The two north-south levee sections will be leveled, and the site will become a riparian habitat. The project also includes building two lift stations to get the influent into the new facility. All building finished floors and doorways will be built above the 500-year flood level.  

Danville is an Economically Disadvantaged Rural Community and Danville School District has no protection for its students during severe wind and tornado events. The community plans to build a multi-purpose safe room next to the elementary school. The proposed safe room will have space for 1,126 faculty, staff and students; it will have six wheelchair spaces and be ADA-compliant.

The project includes adding roof materials that will be standing seam metal or single ply and steel exterior doors, frames, and offset doors will be used to prevent assault from flying projectiles (as required by FEMA 361). The HVAC system will be built to meet FEMA’s minimum ventilation ratio. By including nature-based solutions such as permeable pavement, the project should also help improve stormwater management and reduce future risk of flash flooding. 

Fiscal Year 2022 Subapplicant Status

The below table shows each subapplication status by state. For this grant cycle, FEMA made two announcements. In May, the status of subapplication selections for BRIC Direct Technical Assistance, the Tribal Set-Aside and State/Territory Allocation were announced. In August, FEMA announced the National Competition selections for BRIC.

Learn about the definition of each status description:

State Subgrant Identification Subapplication Title Federal Cost Share Subapplication Status
Alabama EMA-2022-BR-003-0002 Community Safe Room Site 1 - City of Vernon $86,625.00 Identified for Further Review
Alabama EMA-2022-BR-003-0004 Community Safe Room Site 2 - City of Vernon $86,625.00 Identified for Further Review
Alabama EMA-2022-BR-003-0001 Jackson County Highlands Medical Center Generator $1,320,075.00 Identified for Further Review
Alabama EMA-2022-BR-003-0003 State Management Cost Alabama $195,260.00 Identified for Further Review
Alaska EMS-2022-BR-011-0001 Alaska 8 Hazard Mitigation Plan Updates $438,624.00 Identified for Further Review
Alaska EMS-2022-BR-020-0002 Chester Lake Reservoir Project Phase I $13,117,420.75 Identified for Further Review
Alaska EMS-2022-BR-011-0004 City of Homer Adoption and Implementation of International Building Code Edition 2021 $352,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Alaska EMS-2022-BR-019-0001 Hazard mitigation plan and emergency planning- Allakaket Village Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Alaska EMS-2022-BR-011-0005 Management Costs - Alaska $144,440.96 Identified for Further Review
Alaska EMS-2022-BR-039-0002 Management Costs- Central Council Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska $6,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Alaska EMS-2022-BR-020-0003 Management Costs- Matlakatla Indian Community $1,473,682.81 Identified for Further Review
Alaska EMS-2022-BR-045-0002 Native Village of Hooper Bay Management Costs Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Alaska EMS-2022-BR-040-0001 Ninilchik Village - Project Scoping $292,746.06 Identified for Further Review
Alaska EMS-2022-BR-039-0001 Plan- Central Council Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska $57,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Alaska EMS-2022-BR-011-0006 Pre-Construction Activities for Salt Lagoon & Community Pond Flood Mitigation Projects $217,451.70 Identified for Further Review
Alaska EMS-2022-BR-020-0001 Purple Lake Hydro Sea Level Rise Feasibility Study $159,894.00 Identified for Further Review
Alaska EMS-2022-BR-038-0001 Shishmaref Protect-In-Place: Shoreline Protection $5,397,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Alaska EMS-2022-BR-045-0001 The Native Village of Hooper Bay Mitigation Plan Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Alaska EMS-2022-BR-034-0001 The Native Village of Ouzinkie Tribal Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan $26,406.00 Identified for Further Review
Alaska EMS-2022-BR-011-0003 Tsunami Evacuation Facility - Project Scoping - Lowell Point Alaska $135,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Alaska EMS-2022-BR-042-0001 Unit 4 Multi-jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan and Planning Activities $706,500.00 Identified for Further Review
American Samoa EMF-2022-BR-040-0010 Office of Disaster Assistance and Petruleaum Management Disaster Resilience Summit Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
American Samoa EMF-2022-BR-040-0006 Outreach- American Samoa Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
American Samoa EMF-2022-BR-040-0005 Shoreline Protection Project Scoping $1,890,360.00 Identified for Further Review
American Samoa EMF-2022-BR-040-0009 State Management Costs American Samoa $210,040.00 Identified for Further Review
Arizona EMF-2022-BR-005-0007 Dewey-Humboldt Area Drainage Master Study $150,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Arizona EMF-2022-BR-005-0015 Lonesome Valley Area Drainage Master Study $150,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Arizona EMF-2022-BR-005-0017 Salt Mine Road Drainage Mitigation Study $150,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Arizona EMF-2022-BR-005-0006 Spring Valley Area Drainage Master Study $150,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Arizona EMF-2022-BR-005-0005 State of Arizona Management Costs $227,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Arizona EMF-2022-BR-005-0008 Town of Miami Flood Control and Wash Improvement Study $513,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Arizona EMF-2022-BR-005-0024 Urban Heat Leadership Academy: Heat Mitigation Planning with Underserved Communities $360,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Arizona EMF-2022-BR-005-0014 Wilhoit Area Drainage Master Study $150,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Arizona EMF-2022-BR-005-0001 Willcox Regional Flood Mitigation and Groundwater Recharge Project Scoping $200,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Arkansas EMT-2022-BR-014-0006 Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Columbia County Hazard Mitigation Plan $37,476.00 Identified for Further Review
Arkansas EMT-2022-BR-014-0001 Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Dallas County Hazard Mitigation Plan $37,219.50 Identified for Further Review
Arkansas EMT-2022-BR-014-0003 City of Greenwood Acquisition $1,072,345.00 Identified for Further Review
Arkansas EMT-2022-BR-014-0007 City of North Little Rock - Dixie Addition Stormwater Lift Station Project Scoping $377,919.50 Identified for Further Review
Arkansas EMT-2022-BR-014-0010 Little Rock Repetitive Loss Properties Mitigation Project $371,280.00 Identified for Further Review
Arkansas EMT-2022-BR-014-0012 Management Costs- Arkansas $254,744.67 Identified for Further Review
Arkansas EMT-2022-BR-014-0011 Town Ditch Engineering Study $73,760.00 Identified for Further Review
Arkansas EMT-2022-BR-014-0002 Yell County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $30,000.00 Identified for Further Review
California EMF-2022-BR-008-0002 Cahuilla Flood Control Drainage Improvements $713,160.00 Identified for Further Review
California EMF-2022-BR-044-0022 California Office of Emergency Services State Management Costs $258,604.30 Identified for Further Review
California EMF-2022-BR-020-0002 Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $135,000.00 Identified for Further Review
California EMF-2022-BR-008-0004 Development & Enforcement of Tribal Building Codes $95,832.00 Identified for Further Review
California EMF-2022-BR-008-0001 Fuel Reduction & Defensible Space Fire Mitigation Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
California EMF-2022-BR-002-0002 Karuk Tribe Housing Authority Micro Grid Green Energy Mitigation Happy Camp $575,100.00 Identified for Further Review
California EMF-2022-BR-002-0001 Karuk Tribe Housing Authority Micro Grid Green Energy Mitigation Orleans $395,100.00 Identified for Further Review
California EMF-2022-BR-002-0003 Karuk Tribe Housing Authority MicroGrid Green Energy Mitigation Management Cost $107,800.00 Identified for Further Review
California EMF-2022-BR-008-0003 Management Costs - Cahuilla Band of Indians $86,168.00 Identified for Further Review
California EMF-2022-BR-020-0001 Management Costs Stabilization- Cher-Ae Heights Indiana Community $542,800.00 Identified for Further Review
California EMF-2022-BR-011-0002 Morongo Flood Mitigation- Culvert Upsizing Project $1,471,282.60 Identified for Further Review
California EMF-2022-BR-011-0001 Morongo Reservation Hydrologic and Hydraulic Study $488,071.50 Identified for Further Review
California EMF-2022-BR-044-0005 Moulton Niguel Water Department Aliso Creek Watershed Capture & Reuse Project Scoping $1,547,680.00 Identified for Further Review
California EMF-2022-BR-015-0001 Northfork Rancheria Tribal Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $94,766.40 Identified for Further Review
California EMF-2022-BR-044-0010 Plumas County Round Valley Reservoir Climate Adaptation and Nature Based Solution Project Scoping $452,320.00 Identified for Further Review
California EMF-2022-BR-020-0003 Slope Stabilization Scenic- Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community $1,283,400.00 Identified for Further Review
California EMF-2022-BR-020-0004 Stabilization Tribal Housing $3,466,800.00 Identified for Further Review
Colorado EMD-2022-BR-003-0003 City of Loveland Development Services Accreditation $56,117.25 Identified for Further Review
Colorado EMD-2022-BR-003-0008 Crestone Fire Fuel Mitigation Project $104,738.00 Identified for Further Review
Colorado EMD-2022-BR-003-0002 Protecting America's Mountain - Electric Line Clearing -- Colorado Springs Utilities $1,499,997.80 Identified for Further Review
Colorado EMD-2022-BR-003-0005 State Management Costs- Colorado $216,067.00 Identified for Further Review
Connecticut EMB-2022-BR-013-0005 High Street Extension Culvert Replacement Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Connecticut EMB-2022-BR-013-0008 Managment Costs - Connecticut $23,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Connecticut EMB-2022-BR-013-0001 North and South Meadows Stormwater Pumping Station Non-localized Flood Risk Reduction $176,250.00 Identified for Further Review
Connecticut EMB-2022-BR-013-0007 Town of Coventry Microgrid Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Delaware EMP-2022-BR-007-0002 12th Street Bulkhead Replacement Project Management Costs Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Delaware EMP-2022-BR-007-0004 Public Drinking Water & Wastewater Database Development to Facilitate Mitigation Actions Mgmt Costs $54,369.30 Identified for Further Review
Delaware EMP-2022-BR-007-0003 Public Drinking Water and Wastewater Database Development to Facilitate Mitigation Actions $434,954.40 Identified for Further Review
District of Columbia EMP-2022-BR-010-0003 Deane Avenue Stormwater Pump Station Resiliency Improvements $816,124.00 Identified for Further Review
District of Columbia EMP-2022-BR-010-0005 District of Columbia Management Costs $331,456.37 Identified for Further Review
District of Columbia EMP-2022-BR-010-0001 District of Columbia Water Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $120,000.00 Identified for Further Review
District of Columbia EMP-2022-BR-010-0002 Outreach and Engineering Technical Assistance- District of Columbia $1,063,876.00 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-BR-009-0006 City of Atlantic Beach, 20th Street Lift Station Generator $75,520.00 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-BR-009-0002 Franklin County Board of County Commissioners Weems Memorial Hospital Wind Retrofit $994,570.11 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-BR-009-0004 Seminole County Emergency Generator $304,755.93 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-BR-009-0010 Standby Generators for Jefferson County Volunteer Fire Department Stations $31,768.51 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-BR-009-0003 State of Florida Management Costs $240,780.95 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-BR-009-0009 Sumter County SECO Energy Utility Backfeed Loops $499,216.00 Identified for Further Review
Georgia EMA-2022-BR-015-0004 University of Georgia Marine Institute Campus Resiliency Project Planning $59,451.00 Identified for Further Review
Georgia EMA-2022-BR-015-0009 Chatham County Hardin Drainage Basin Analysis & Planning $281,250.00 Identified for Further Review
Georgia EMA-2022-BR-015-0011 City of Hartwell Water Treatment Plant Fixed Generator $349,728.10 Identified for Further Review
Georgia EMA-2022-BR-015-0013 DeKalb County Property Acquisitions Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Georgia EMA-2022-BR-015-0007 Finding Our Flow $176,625.00 Identified for Further Review
Georgia EMA-2022-BR-015-0002 Habersham County Drainage Structures $75,224.62 Identified for Further Review
Georgia EMA-2022-BR-015-0014 Management Costs - Georgia $263,076.05 Identified for Further Review
Georgia EMA-2022-BR-015-0008 Port Wentworth Comprehensive Stormwater Master Plan $357,375.00 Identified for Further Review
Georgia EMA-2022-BR-015-0001 Rocky Creek Road Culvert $106,312.50 Identified for Further Review
Guam EMF-2022-BR-007-0002 Guam Community College Building Project Application $1,038,399.67 Identified for Further Review
Guam EMF-2022-BR-007-0006 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Barrigada Mayor Office / Community Center Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Guam EMF-2022-BR-007-0003 Namo - Flood Control and Bank Stabilization Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Guam EMF-2022-BR-007-0004 State Management Cost-Guan $167,509.99 Identified for Further Review
Guam EMF-2022-BR-007-0001 Underground Utility Infrastructure Relocation and Power Generation - Phase II $267,360.00 Identified for Further Review
Hawaii EMF-2022-BR-014-0003 Advance Assistance 2.0 - Kauai, Maui, and Hawaii Counties Energy System Resiliency Assessment $450,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Hawaii EMF-2022-BR-014-0001 State Management Costs Hawaii $200,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Hawaii EMF-2022-BR-014-0002 Statewide Building Code Technical Assistance Program $1,120,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Idaho EMS-2022-BR-005-0004 Cascade Stormwater Improvement Scoping Project Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Idaho EMS-2022-BR-005-0005 Disaster Mitigation Response Capacity Enhancement (Project Scoping & Partnerships) $107,513.60 Identified for Further Review
Idaho EMS-2022-BR-005-0003 Idaho Office of Emergency Management - Management Costs $71,971.20 Identified for Further Review
Idaho EMS-2022-BR-005-0002 Kamiah Project Storm Water Drainage and Catch Basin Scoping $385,054.00 Identified for Further Review
Idaho EMS-2022-BR-005-0006 Rexburg Wastewater Treatment Plant - Power Reliability Improvements Scoping $135,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Illinois EMC-2022-BR-012-0010 Generator for City Critical Infrastructure Public Works Building $263,812.50 Identified for Further Review
Illinois EMC-2022-BR-012-0006 Historic Kamp Store Relocation Project $282,074.95 Identified for Further Review
Illinois EMC-2022-BR-012-0007 Illinois Residential Safe Room Program $278,896.45 Identified for Further Review
Illinois EMC-2022-BR-012-0004 Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Glenwood Lakes Project Scoping $487,760.10 Identified for Further Review
Illinois EMC-2022-BR-012-0003 Sheridan Waste Water Treatment Plant flood protection $687,456.00 Identified for Further Review
Illinois EMC-2022-BR-012-0019 State Management Cost-Illinios $267,322.10 Identified for Further Review
Indiana EMC-2022-BR-023-0003 Indiana County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Updates $284,263.84 Identified for Further Review
Indiana EMC-2022-BR-023-0002 Indiana Department of Homeland Security State Management Costs-Indiana $51,902.42 Identified for Further Review
Indiana EMC-2022-BR-023-0006 Indiana Deptartment of Homeland Security Drone Purchase Project $105,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Indiana EMC-2022-BR-023-0001 Rush County Drainage Improvement Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Iowa EMK-2022-BR-003-0002 Building Code Adoption, Administration, and Enforcement Activities, Capability & Capacity Building $126,111.75 Identified for Further Review
Iowa EMK-2022-BR-003-0012 City of Kalona Yoder Property Stormwater Management $175,908.75 Identified for Further Review
Iowa EMK-2022-BR-003-0009 City of Salix Project Scoping for Stormwater Drainage $50,250.00 Identified for Further Review
Iowa EMK-2022-BR-003-0008 Comprehensive Resilience Strategy, Capability & Capacity Building, Project Scoping $851,152.00 Identified for Further Review
Iowa EMK-2022-BR-003-0011 Grant Street South Realignment and Storm Water Improvements $160,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Iowa EMK-2022-BR-003-0005 Iowa Statewide Comprehensive Flood Mitigation Strategy $112,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Iowa EMK-2022-BR-003-0010 Linn County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $30,375.00 Identified for Further Review
Iowa EMK-2022-BR-009-0001 Management Cost Plan Update Hazard Mitigation 2023- Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa $17,251.40 Identified for Further Review
Iowa EMK-2022-BR-009-0002 Meskwaki Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $163,025.09 Identified for Further Review
Iowa EMK-2022-BR-003-0006 Project Scoping for Concrete 3D Printed Community Safe Rooms $127,950.00 Identified for Further Review
Iowa EMK-2022-BR-003-0013 Recipient Management Costs- Iowa $266,779.92 Identified for Further Review
Iowa EMK-2022-BR-003-0007 Regional Multi-Jurisdictional Local Hazard Mitigation Plan $103,252.50 Identified for Further Review
Iowa EMK-2022-BR-003-0003 University Boulevard Flood Mitigation (Project Scoping) $262,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Kansas EMK-2022-BR-001-0004 Centre Safe Room - Hayes Unified School District $1,056,730.14 Identified for Further Review
Kansas EMK-2022-BR-001-0003 Hays Kansas High School - Safe Room $943,269.86 Identified for Further Review
Kentucky EMA-2022-BR-014-0005 Harris Fork Creek Flood Mitigation Scoping Project $123,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Kentucky EMA-2022-BR-014-0001 Management Costs- Kentucky $13,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-BR-021-0013 Burt Allen Ditch Detention $594,864.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-BR-021-0007 Canal Street Historic Cemetery Flood Mitigation Project Scoping $73,572.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-BR-021-0011 Cut Off - Hung Dao Local Drainage Improvement Project Scoping $834,960.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-BR-021-0028 Ironton-Project Scoping Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Louisiana EMT-2022-BR-021-0012 Louisiana State Fire Marshal's Office (Community Education and Outreach, Capability and Capacity Building Project) Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Louisiana EMT-2022-BR-021-0026 State Management Cost - Louisiana $274,929.93 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-BR-021-0025 Tangipahoa Regional Detention Pond B- Project Scoping $149,834.71 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-BR-021-0010 Taylor Bayou Regional Improvements (Phase I Only) Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Louisiana EMT-2022-BR-021-0024 Vermilion Parish Safe Room: Project Scoping $280,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Maine EMB-2022-BR-011-0004 Eveleth Hill Drainage Improvements $30,400.00 Identified for Further Review
Maine EMB-2022-BR-011-0002 Islesboro Hazard Mitigation Plan $39,150.00 Identified for Further Review
Maine EMB-2022-BR-011-0003 Mitigating Community Hazards Posed by Climate Change through Building Code Enforcement $625,209.41 Identified for Further Review
Maine EMB-2022-BR-011-0001 Mitigation: Hazards $209,931.00 Identified for Further Review
Maine EMB-2022-BR-011-0009 North Haven Thorofare Waterfront $160,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Maine EMB-2022-BR-014-0001 Passamaquoddy Tribe at Pleasant Point Hazard Mitigation Plan $150,838.20 Identified for Further Review
Maine EMB-2022-BR-011-0011 Phase 1 Statewide Asset Inventory and Risk Assessment $590,550.00 Identified for Further Review
Maine EMB-2022-BR-011-0012 Phase 2: Capacity Building and Technical Assistance $218,050.00 Identified for Further Review
Maine EMB-2022-BR-011-0010 State of Maine Management Costs $188,673.04 Identified for Further Review
Maine EMB-2022-BR-011-0006 Town Of Cornish, Maine: Hessian Hill Emergency Communications Tower (HECTor) Project $13,440.00 Identified for Further Review
Maine EMB-2022-BR-011-0005 Wastewater & Critical Infrastructure Portable Generators Request Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Maryland EMP-2022-BR-009-0003 35th Street and Hillen Road Flood Mitigation $525,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Maryland EMP-2022-BR-009-0002 Brunswick Crossing Pond #13 Retrofit $62,598.04 Identified for Further Review
Maryland EMP-2022-BR-009-0009 Brunswick Shopping Center and Apartments Pond Retrofit $79,059.48 Identified for Further Review
Maryland EMP-2022-BR-009-0006 City of Hagerstown - Hydraulic model of storm drainage system $75,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Maryland EMP-2022-BR-009-0004 Downtown Flood Improvements Capital Improvement Plan $381,175.00 Identified for Further Review
Maryland EMP-2022-BR-009-0012 Hazard Mitigation Plan 2025 Update - Maryland Department of Emergency Management $70,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Maryland EMP-2022-BR-009-0001 Maryland Department of Emergency Management Management Costs $260,476.46 Identified for Further Review
Maryland EMP-2022-BR-009-0013 Stormwater Infrastructure to Address Frederick Ave Flooding $600,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Maryland EMP-2022-BR-009-0005 West Patrick St Flood Improvements Capital Improvement Plan $197,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Massachusetts EMB-2022-BR-012-0019 Acton - Jenks Conservation Land Culvert Improvement $67,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Massachusetts EMB-2022-BR-012-0005 Blue/Green Downtown Fitchburg $187,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Massachusetts EMB-2022-BR-012-0015 Brockton Study of Essential Workforce after Disasters Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Massachusetts EMB-2022-BR-012-0002 Danvers Crane River Shoreline Restoration Analysis $43,556.25 Identified for Further Review
Massachusetts EMB-2022-BR-012-0011 Flood and Drought Protection for the Briggsville Water District, Clarksburg $445,590.00 Identified for Further Review
Massachusetts EMB-2022-BR-012-0007 Flood Damage Reduction in Scituate Harbor District $71,250.00 Identified for Further Review
Massachusetts EMB-2022-BR-012-0016 Granite Ave Pump Station Design $120,750.00 Identified for Further Review
Massachusetts EMB-2022-BR-012-0001 Hopkinton-Regulation and Bylaw Review Related to Climate Change Adaptation & Nature-Based Solutions $50,662.50 Identified for Further Review
Massachusetts EMB-2022-BR-012-0004 Marshfield Dyke Road Sluiceway Improvements Project Scoping $165,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Massachusetts EMB-2022-BR-012-0021 Massachusetts recipient management cost $177,174.38 Identified for Further Review
Massachusetts EMB-2022-BR-012-0012 Melrose - Burnett and Laurel Streets Stormwater Management Project $251,685.00 Identified for Further Review
Massachusetts EMB-2022-BR-012-0006 River Street and Parking Lot Scoping $186,750.00 Identified for Further Review
Massachusetts EMB-2022-BR-012-0010 Rockport - Vulnerability Assessment of Coastal Wastewater Infrastructure $150,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Massachusetts EMB-2022-BR-012-0017 Swansea Hailes Hill Road Culvert Upgrade Project Scoping $31,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Michigan EMC-2022-BR-021-0002 Allegan/Salem Township/Sandy Pines, Burnips - Project -Safe Room $935,300.00 Identified for Further Review
Michigan EMC-2022-BR-021-0005 City of Detroit - Project Scoping - Schoolcraft $468,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Michigan EMC-2022-BR-021-0006 City of Detroit - Project Scoping - West Chicago $312,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Michigan EMC-2022-BR-021-0011 City of Grand Rapids - Project Scoping - Woodlawn Cemetery Green Infrastructure $14,557.50 Identified for Further Review
Michigan EMC-2022-BR-021-0009 City of Mt Pleasant - Project Scoping - Westside Storm Sewer Relief $270,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Michigan EMC-2022-BR-021-0001 MSP/EMHSD - Recipient Management Costs- Michigan $260,429.41 Identified for Further Review
Minnesota EMC-2022-BR-007-0001 County and Tribal Plan Updates $753,750.00 Identified for Further Review
Minnesota EMC-2022-BR-025-0002 Management Costs- Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians $68,450.60 Identified for Further Review
Minnesota EMC-2022-BR-007-0004 Recipient Management Costs- Minnesota $100,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Minnesota EMC-2022-BR-025-0001 Scoping a Resilient Solar Microgrid for Resilience Red Lake Nation in Red Lake/Redby, Minnesota $650,281.00 Identified for Further Review
Mississippi EMA-2022-BR-006-0003 Comprehensive Planning and Design Study for Water Treatment Facilities for the City of Jackson, Mississippi $2,000,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Mississippi EMA-2022-BR-006-0012 State of Mississippi Management Cost $1,375,000.40 Identified for Further Review
Missouri EMK-2022-BR-002-0001 East-West Gateway (St. Louis) Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan $147,613.30 Identified for Further Review
Missouri EMK-2022-BR-002-0006 Missouri State Management Cost $217,468.77 Identified for Further Review
Missouri EMK-2022-BR-002-0002 State Allocation-City of Marionville Waste Water Treatment Plant-Box Culverts $496,683.00 Identified for Further Review
Missouri EMK-2022-BR-002-0005 State Allocation-Clarksburg C-II School District Community Safe Room $1,354,700.00 Identified for Further Review
Montana EMD-2022-BR-016-0002 Management Grant Application- Chippewa Cree Tribe of The Rocky Boy Reservation $59,179.00 Identified for Further Review
Montana EMD-2022-BR-014-0001 Northern Cheyenne Management Costs $149,878.90 Identified for Further Review
Montana EMD-2022-BR-014-0002 Northern Cheyenne Reservation Census County Division, Bighorn County - Scoping Project $686,667.00 Identified for Further Review
Montana EMD-2022-BR-014-0003 Northern Cheyenne Reservation Census County Division, Rosebud County - Scoping Project $702,850.00 Identified for Further Review
Montana EMD-2022-BR-016-0001 Scoping Microgrid Chippewa Cree Tribe $559,241.10 Identified for Further Review
Montana EMD-2022-BR-001-0001 Sidney Meadows Drainage Improvements Project $1,192,506.00 Identified for Further Review
Montana EMD-2022-BR-001-0003 State Management Costs- Montana $165,548.70 Identified for Further Review
Nebraska EMK-2022-BR-006-0006 City of Ponca First/East Street Flood Mitigation Project Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Nebraska EMK-2022-BR-007-0005 Generator Agency and Ponca Exercise Facility: Critical Facility 1 $167,691.65 Identified for Further Review
Nebraska EMK-2022-BR-006-0008 Lancaster County Nebraska Mitigation: Hazards $256,046.70 Identified for Further Review
Nebraska EMK-2022-BR-006-0007 Lower Platte North Natural Resources District 2025 Plan Update $187,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Nebraska EMK-2022-BR-006-0001 Lower Platte South Natural Resource District Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $90,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Nebraska EMK-2022-BR-006-0010 Management Costs- Nebraska $92,789.56 Identified for Further Review
Nebraska EMK-2022-BR-006-0009 Nemaha Natural Resources District Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $133,312.50 Identified for Further Review
Nebraska EMK-2022-BR-007-0004 Niobrara Housing Facility 6-Plex Generator Project: Critical Facility F17 $97,768.43 Identified for Further Review
Nebraska EMK-2022-BR-007-0003 Niobrara Market Generator Project: Critical Facility 16 $95,786.18 Identified for Further Review
Nebraska EMK-2022-BR-007-0002 Norfolk Health Center Generator Project: Critical Facility 14 $172,238.00 Identified for Further Review
Nebraska EMK-2022-BR-007-0006 Prairie Flower Casino Generator Project: Critical Facility 2 $507,703.36 Identified for Further Review
Nebraska EMK-2022-BR-006-0004 Region 23 Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $41,250.00 Identified for Further Review
Nebraska EMK-2022-BR-007-0001 Tribal Headquarters & Transit Facility Generator Project: Critical Facility 4 $163,200.65 Identified for Further Review
Nebraska EMK-2022-BR-006-0003 Washington County Agricultural Society Scoping Project Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Nevada EMF-2022-BR-010-0005 Dayton Valley Scoping Project $128,727.18 Identified for Further Review
Nevada EMF-2022-BR-010-0003 Douglas County Kahle Community Center Generator $395,957.46 Identified for Further Review
Nevada EMF-2022-BR-010-0006 Eureka - White Pine regional Hazard Mitigation Plan update $126,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Nevada EMF-2022-BR-010-0007 Mineral - Esmeralda Multijurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $120,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Nevada EMF-2022-BR-010-0009 State Management Costs Nevada $47,091.00 Identified for Further Review
Nevada EMF-2022-BR-010-0002 Topaz Ranch Estates Generator $185,381.04 Identified for Further Review
Nevada EMF-2022-BR-010-0001 Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District Solar Power Admin/HQ Building $382,363.39 Identified for Further Review
Nevada EMF-2022-BR-010-0004 Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District Solar Power Station # 33 $301,738.50 Identified for Further Review
Nevada EMF-2022-BR-010-0010 Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District Solar Power Station #36 $185,341.50 Identified for Further Review
Nevada EMF-2022-BR-010-0011 Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District Solar Power Station #40 $165,195.00 Identified for Further Review
New Hampshire EMB-2022-BR-001-0003 Management Costs- New Hampshire $35,925.00 Identified for Further Review
New Hampshire EMB-2022-BR-001-0004 Maplewood Hill Road Project Scoping $123,750.00 Identified for Further Review
New Hampshire EMB-2022-BR-001-0006 Saco Headwaters Municipal Capacity & Capability Building Program to Modernize All Culverts-in-Need Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
New Hampshire EMB-2022-BR-001-0001 Town of Rye Generator & Three Pump Station External Hookup Connections Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
New Hampshire EMB-2022-BR-001-0002 Town of Rye Sewer Infrastructure Vulnerability Assessment $55,500.00 Identified for Further Review
New Hampshire EMB-2022-BR-001-0005 Twin Culvert Replacement - Claremont, New Hampshire $180,000.00 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-BR-002-0031 Bergenfield Project Scoping Application $142,584.00 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-BR-002-0007 Management Costs-New Jersey $855,192.10 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-BR-002-0029 New Jersery Office of Emergency Management Capability & Capacity Building - Project Scoping $583,177.00 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-BR-002-0034 Port Authority of New York and New Jersey - Marine Terminals CRA $500,000.00 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-BR-002-0002 Project Scoping - Borough of Seaside Heights - Flood Mitigation $135,000.00 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-BR-002-0019 Project Scoping - Town of Kearny - Garfield and John Hay Pump Station $139,239.00 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-BR-002-0024 Two Rivers Water Reclamation Authority - Extracellular Polymeric Substances and Outfall Replacement $500,000.00 Identified for Further Review
New Mexico EMT-2022-BR-001-0002 Cerrillos Rd Stormwater Infiltration at Ashbaugh Park $506,576.60 Identified for Further Review
New Mexico EMT-2022-BR-001-0001 Critical Infrastructure Microgrids Scoping $375,024.75 Identified for Further Review
New Mexico EMT-2022-BR-019-0001 Pueblo de San Ildefonso Hazard Mitigation Plan $54,570.00 Identified for Further Review
New Mexico EMT-2022-BR-011-0001 Pueblo Of Laguna Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $120,000.00 Identified for Further Review
New Mexico EMT-2022-BR-033-0002 Santa Clara Pueblo Building Codes - Resilient Community Building Codes $290,475.00 Identified for Further Review
New Mexico EMT-2022-BR-033-0001 Santa Clara Pueblo Project Scoping - Canyon Flood Mitigation $1,670,139.00 Identified for Further Review
New Mexico EMT-2022-BR-001-0003 State Management Cost- New Mexico $117,546.85 Identified for Further Review
New York EMN-2022-BR-004-0015 City of Rye - Codes & Ordinances $252,299.18 Identified for Further Review
New York EMN-2022-BR-004-0006 Hazard Mitigation Plan County of Lewis $120,000.00 Identified for Further Review
New York EMN-2022-BR-004-0018 New York City Parks/Rec - Green Infrastructure Stormwater Flood Hazard Reduction $736,304.00 Identified for Further Review
New York EMN-2022-BR-004-0010 New York CIty Small Business Services - Resilient South Street Stormwater Corridor $640,000.00 Identified for Further Review
New York EMN-2022-BR-004-0022 State Management Cost Application-New York $248,583.45 Identified for Further Review
New York EMN-2022-BR-004-0004 Tompkins County Flood Risk Education and Outreach Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
New York EMN-2022-BR-004-0019 Town of Mamaroneck Comprehensive Flood Mitigation Planning Initiative $225,000.00 Identified for Further Review
North Carolina EMA-2022-BR-001-0013 4th Street Drainage Capability and Capacity Building Project $89,600.00 Identified for Further Review
North Carolina EMA-2022-BR-001-0002 City of Gastonia Project Scoping Activity Water & Wastewater Energy Resilience $138,800.00 Identified for Further Review
North Carolina EMA-2022-BR-001-0031 City of Lexington - Swearing Creek Watershed Pump Station Consolidation Project $291,800.00 Identified for Further Review
North Carolina EMA-2022-BR-001-0035 Columbus County Watershed Drainage Management Plan $240,000.00 Identified for Further Review
North Carolina EMA-2022-BR-001-0015 Comprehensive Vegetative Waste and Emergency Debris Management Plan $120,000.00 Identified for Further Review
North Carolina EMA-2022-BR-001-0019 County of Hertford Hydrologic Watershed Assessment $120,000.00 Identified for Further Review
North Carolina EMA-2022-BR-001-0022 Drainage Improvement Study - Town of Calypso, North Carolina $190,000.00 Identified for Further Review
North Carolina EMA-2022-BR-001-0047 Huntersville Downtown Stormwater Master Plan (Asset Inventory & Analysis) $150,000.00 Identified for Further Review
North Carolina EMA-2022-BR-001-0039 Management Costs- North Carolina $252,050.00 Identified for Further Review
North Carolina EMA-2022-BR-001-0008 May's Lake Regional Stormwater Project $200,000.00 Identified for Further Review
North Carolina EMA-2022-BR-001-0041 Project Scoping for Anson County Flood Risk $60,000.00 Identified for Further Review
North Carolina EMA-2022-BR-001-0028 Restoration of Duffyfield Canal Planning and Project Scoping $279,800.00 Identified for Further Review
North Carolina EMA-2022-BR-001-0016 Upper Cashie River Hydrologic Assessment and Drainage and Water Management Plan $120,000.00 Identified for Further Review
North Dakota EMD-2022-BR-012-0001 City of Fessenden - Wastewater Lagoon System Retrofit/Upgrade $1,995,000.00 Identified for Further Review
North Dakota EMD-2022-BR-017-0001 Spirit Lake Tribe Comprehensive Flood Protection and Interior Drainage Scoping Project $1,620,000.00 Identified for Further Review
North Dakota EMD-2022-BR-017-0002 Spirit Lake Management Costs $180,000.00 Identified for Further Review
North Dakota EMD-2022-BR-012-0007 State Management Costs- North Dakota $199,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Northern Mariana Islands EMF-2022-BR-045-0002 Building Code Enforcement and Capacity Enhancement for the Commonwealth of Northerm Mariana Islands $173,038.50 Identified for Further Review
Northern Mariana Islands EMF-2022-BR-045-0003 Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands Management Costs $43,140.10 Identified for Further Review
Northern Mariana Islands EMF-2022-BR-045-0001 Gapgap Road Scoping Project $150,512.00 Identified for Further Review
Ohio EMC-2022-BR-020-0009 City of Columbiana - Court and Herbster Drainage Project $996,516.54 Identified for Further Review
Ohio EMC-2022-BR-020-0008 City of Jackson - Project Scoping $296,994.00 Identified for Further Review
Ohio EMC-2022-BR-020-0005 City of Lakewood - Project Scoping $287,794.11 Identified for Further Review
Ohio EMC-2022-BR-020-0002 Recipient Management Costs State of Ohio $260,495.04 Identified for Further Review
Ohio EMC-2022-BR-020-0004 Shelby County - Project Scoping $25,125.00 Identified for Further Review
Ohio EMC-2022-BR-020-0012 State of Ohio Eight-County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $236,070.34 Identified for Further Review
Ohio EMC-2022-BR-020-0007 Village of Hebron - Project Scoping $157,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Oklahoma EMT-2022-BR-029-0002 Choctaw Nation Enterprise Risk Management Assessment $836,244.00 Identified for Further Review
Oklahoma EMT-2022-BR-006-0001 Citizen Place II Storm Shelter $458,229.93 Identified for Further Review
Oklahoma EMT-2022-BR-006-0002 Citizen Place II Storm Shelter: Applicant Management Costs - Citizen Potawatomi Nation $48,806.12 Identified for Further Review
Oklahoma EMT-2022-BR-029-0001 Emergency Management Assessment Project $662,400.00 Identified for Further Review
Oklahoma EMT-2022-BR-004-0002 Head Start Generator Project $46,102.50 Identified for Further Review
Oklahoma EMT-2022-BR-004-0001 Housing Safe Room Project West Side $114,686.25 Identified for Further Review
Oklahoma EMT-2022-BR-002-0002 Oklahoma State Flood Plan Project Scoping $1,000,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Oklahoma EMT-2022-BR-018-0001 Planning for Resilient Communities within the Chickasaw Nation $768,717.00 Identified for Further Review
Oklahoma EMT-2022-BR-004-0003 Scoping for Nature Based Solutions $1,125.00 Identified for Further Review
Oklahoma EMT-2022-BR-002-0001 SoonerSafe Phase 28 $886,400.00 Identified for Further Review
Oklahoma EMT-2022-BR-002-0004 State Management Costs $255,800.17 Identified for Further Review
Oregon EMS-2022-BR-006-0011 Fanno Creek Slope Stabilization Scoping Project, Portland Oregon $225,371.25 Identified for Further Review
Oregon EMS-2022-BR-006-0004 Jackson County Development Services Infrastructure Code Revision $126,187.50 Identified for Further Review
Oregon EMS-2022-BR-006-0001 Lane County Oakridge, Westfir, & Blue River Communities Transmission Interconnection Project Scoping $750,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Oregon EMS-2022-BR-006-0003 Oregon Grant Harney Lake Malheur Counties Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan - Updates Department of Land Conservation and Development BRIC 2022 $453,333.00 Identified for Further Review
Oregon EMS-2022-BR-006-0022 Oregon State Management Cost $203,541.10 Identified for Further Review
Oregon EMS-2022-BR-006-0019 Roosevelt Yard Project Scope Capability and Capacity Building Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-BR-005-0027 2025 Hazard Mitigation Plan Venango County $75,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-BR-005-0013 2026 Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $112,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-BR-005-0002 Adams County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update 2025 $75,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-BR-005-0025 County Hazard Mitigation Plan $59,968.51 Identified for Further Review
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-BR-005-0024 Dickson Lackawanna Storm Water Mitigation $208,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-BR-005-0023 Glenburn Lackawanna Generator $75,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-BR-005-0019 Halfmoon Township Centre Storm Water Mitigation $37,515.00 Identified for Further Review
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-BR-005-0030 Londonderry Dauphin Generator $48,750.00 Identified for Further Review
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-BR-005-0034 Luzerne County Hazard Mitigation Plan $75,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-BR-005-0028 Pennsburg Montgomery Critical Facility Generator $48,399.75 Identified for Further Review
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-BR-005-0033 Pennsylvania Management Cost $193,547.10 Identified for Further Review
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-BR-005-0011 Perry County Continuity of Operations $25,153.50 Identified for Further Review
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-BR-005-0020 Philadelphia Eastwick Scoping Flood Resilience $290,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-BR-005-0001 Schuylkill County Hazard Mitigation Plan Implementation $187,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-BR-005-0029 Scoping Hopewell Huntingdon Landslide $31,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-BR-005-0021 Scoping Kulpmont Northumberland Stormwater Mitigation Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-BR-005-0035 Springfield Mercer Emergency Management Services Generator $8,981.25 Identified for Further Review
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-BR-005-0015 Upper Salford Montgomery Acquisition $431,250.00 Identified for Further Review
Puerto Rico EMN-2022-BR-008-0001 Puerto Rico BRIC Readiness Program $1,500,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Rhode Island EMB-2022-BR-007-0003 Foddering Farm Road Causeway Project Scoping Study $157,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Rhode Island EMB-2022-BR-007-0002 Foster Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $17,250.00 Identified for Further Review
Rhode Island EMB-2022-BR-007-0004 Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan for Aquidneck Island $56,250.00 Identified for Further Review
Rhode Island EMB-2022-BR-007-0001 Seamless Flood Risk Mapping Tool for Coastal and Inland Waters of Rhode Island in a Changing Climate $381,704.39 Identified for Further Review
Rhode Island EMB-2022-BR-007-0005 State Management Cost Rhode Island $81,693.94 Identified for Further Review
South Carolina EMA-2022-BR-012-0002 City of Beaufort, Pidgeon Point Project Scoping $172,800.00 Identified for Further Review
South Carolina EMA-2022-BR-012-0012 Conway Medical Center Localized Flood Reduction Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
South Carolina EMA-2022-BR-012-0009 Generator for Fire House #2 and Municipal Fuel Pumps: Florence $108,675.00 Identified for Further Review
South Carolina EMA-2022-BR-012-0007 Jasper County Stormwater Drainage Study $937,500.00 Identified for Further Review
South Carolina EMA-2022-BR-012-0003 Santee Lynches Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan $61,191.63 Identified for Further Review
South Carolina EMA-2022-BR-012-0006 South Carolina Dept of Motor Vehicles - Retrofitting Hurricane Shutters $57,563.28 Identified for Further Review
South Carolina EMA-2022-BR-012-0015 South Carolina Recipient Management Costs $230,292.55 Identified for Further Review
South Carolina EMA-2022-BR-012-0010 University of South Carolina Disaster Resistant University Hazard Mitigation Plan $109,952.75 Identified for Further Review
South Carolina EMA-2022-BR-012-0004 York County South Carolina Generator Project $300,000.00 Identified for Further Review
South Dakota EMD-2022-BR-004-0006 Brookings County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan Update $14,175.00 Identified for Further Review
South Dakota EMD-2022-BR-004-0001 City of Sioux Falls Skunk Creek Hydrology & Hydraulics Study Not Selected Withdrawn
South Dakota EMD-2022-BR-004-0013 City of Sioux Falls Tomar Park Neighborhood Buy-Out Program-2022 #1 Not Selected Withdrawn
South Dakota EMD-2022-BR-004-0004 City of Sioux Falls Tomar Park Neighborhood Buy-Out Program-2022 #2 $197,400.00 Identified for Further Review
South Dakota EMD-2022-BR-004-0010 Hamlin County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan Update $12,675.00 Identified for Further Review
South Dakota EMD-2022-BR-004-0005 Kingsbury County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan Update $14,400.00 Identified for Further Review
South Dakota EMD-2022-BR-004-0009 Marshall County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan Update $12,150.00 Identified for Further Review
South Dakota EMD-2022-BR-004-0008 McPherson County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan Update $12,150.00 Identified for Further Review
South Dakota EMD-2022-BR-004-0007 Pennington Company/ West River Electric Line 359 - Radar Hill Road North $1,022,698.83 Identified for Further Review
South Dakota EMD-2022-BR-013-0001 Project Scoping for Flood Mitigation $154,980.00 Identified for Further Review
South Dakota EMD-2022-BR-013-0002 Recipient Management Costs- Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe $16,400.00 Identified for Further Review
South Dakota EMD-2022-BR-015-0002 Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Department of Transportation Perpetual Flooding Damage Mitigation Construction Project $1,941,460.79 Identified for Further Review
South Dakota EMD-2022-BR-015-0001 Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Plan update $14,912.25 Identified for Further Review
South Dakota EMD-2022-BR-004-0014 Spink County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan Update $12,150.00 Identified for Further Review
South Dakota EMD-2022-BR-004-0015 State Management Cost - South Dakota $207,491.26 Identified for Further Review
South Dakota EMD-2022-BR-004-0003 Sully County/Oahe Electric Line 320 PLB $303,751.20 Identified for Further Review
South Dakota EMD-2022-BR-004-0012 Union County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan Update $9,375.00 Identified for Further Review
South Dakota EMD-2022-BR-004-0002 WarHawk District Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan Update $40,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Tennessee EMA-2022-BR-004-0003 Designing an East Bank Flood Resilience Framework: Elevating Future Development $400,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Tennessee EMA-2022-BR-004-0001 Project 52 - Fire, Port, Hazardous & Disaster Mitigation, Safe Room, Maritime Operations. $1,500,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Tennessee EMA-2022-BR-004-0004 State Management Cost- Tennessee $254,340.00 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-BR-016-0006 Cameron County Drainage District 3/San Benito Drainage Master Plan & Project Scoping $367,254.00 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-BR-016-0001 City of Mission Sunset & Astroland Drainage Engineering Design $290,143.89 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-BR-016-0014 El Campo Drainage Master Plan & Project Scoping $541,183.50 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-BR-016-0025 Flood Mitigation Affordability, Climate Resiliency and Agricultural Vitality for a Rural Community $612,918.61 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-BR-016-0031 Kenedy County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan $76,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-BR-016-0009 San Patricio Flood Mitigation and Resiliency Project Scoping $112,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-BR-016-0002 Texas Dept. Emergency Management State Management Costs Subapplication $229,590.11 Identified for Further Review
U.S. Virgin Islands EMN-2022-BR-006-0001 U.S. Virgin Islands - (Scoping) Resilience Hubs $277,546.50 Identified for Further Review
Utah EMD-2022-BR-009-0005 Bear River Region Mitigation Plan Update $90,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Utah EMD-2022-BR-009-0013 City of Saratoga Springs Hazard Mitigation Plan $36,810.00 Identified for Further Review
Utah EMD-2022-BR-009-0026 Dept Emergency Management State Management Cost $277,867.98 Identified for Further Review
Utah EMD-2022-BR-009-0021 Granger Hunter Improvement District Mitigation Plan $119,993.99 Identified for Further Review
Utah EMD-2022-BR-009-0024 Jordan School District Seismic Project Scoping $312,570.00 Identified for Further Review
Utah EMD-2022-BR-009-0006 Jordan Valley Water Treatment Plant Jordan Aqueduct Scoping $241,877.35 Identified for Further Review
Utah EMD-2022-BR-009-0004 Plan Utah Geological Survey Geologic Hazards Mapping of Salt Lake County $340,000.26 Identified for Further Review
Utah EMD-2022-BR-009-0012 Salt Lake County Multijurisdiction Multihazard Mitigation Plan Update $112,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Utah EMD-2022-BR-009-0001 Sandy City Debris Flow Hazard Analysis Project Scoping $300,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Utah EMD-2022-BR-009-0023 Six County Association of Governments Mitigation Plan Update $75,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Utah EMD-2022-BR-009-0015 Toquerville City Erosion Hazard Study Project Scoping $38,775.00 Identified for Further Review
Utah EMD-2022-BR-009-0017 Utah Geological Survey Subsidence Scoping $294,973.00 Identified for Further Review
Utah EMD-2022-BR-009-0025 Woodland Hills Flood Project Scoping $37,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Vermont EMB-2022-BR-002-0002 Addison County Regional Planning Commission Ripton Old Town Road Project Scoping Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Vermont EMB-2022-BR-002-0013 Belvidere Back Road Culvert Project Scoping $67,450.00 Identified for Further Review
Vermont EMB-2022-BR-002-0009 Brandon Wheeler Road Bridge and Culvert Project Scoping $80,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Vermont EMB-2022-BR-002-0006 Bristol Mountain Street Project Scoping $46,400.00 Identified for Further Review
Vermont EMB-2022-BR-002-0011 Chittenden Wildcat Road Project Scoping and Design $76,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Vermont EMB-2022-BR-002-0001 Coventry Ice Jam Study Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Vermont EMB-2022-BR-002-0015 Health - Cooling Capabilities Assessment $192,013.46 Identified for Further Review
Vermont EMB-2022-BR-002-0003 Highgate Machia Rd Bank Instability Alternatives Study $100,400.00 Identified for Further Review
Vermont EMB-2022-BR-002-0010 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Development - Economically Disadvantaged Rural Community $152,820.00 Identified for Further Review
Vermont EMB-2022-BR-002-0005 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Development - Non-Economically Disadvantaged Rural Community $398,775.00 Identified for Further Review
Vermont EMB-2022-BR-002-0012 Mitigation, Adaptation, Justice: Grassroots Infrastructure for Integrating Climate Justice $180,386.95 Identified for Further Review
Vermont EMB-2022-BR-002-0004 Rutland Regional Planning Commission Mount Tabor Scoping Study Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Vermont EMB-2022-BR-002-0008 Tunbridge Emergency Corridor Vulnerability Project Scoping $39,200.00 Identified for Further Review
Vermont EMB-2022-BR-002-0014 Vermont Emergency Management Statewide Flood Study Scoping $390,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Vermont EMB-2022-BR-002-0016 Vermont Management Costs $221,093.82 Identified for Further Review
Vermont EMB-2022-BR-002-0007 Weathersfield Bowen Hill Road Project Scoping $57,950.00 Identified for Further Review
Virginia EMP-2022-BR-006-0008 City of Charlottesville - Rock Creek Watershed Management Plan $231,360.00 Identified for Further Review
Virginia EMP-2022-BR-006-0003 Downtown Roanoke Flood Reduction - Green Infrastructure $248,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Virginia EMP-2022-BR-006-0005 Enhancement of Landslide in Virginia Commonwealth Hazard Mitigation Plan $520,055.75 Identified for Further Review
Virginia EMP-2022-BR-006-0020 Greene County Code Enforcement $105,904.00 Identified for Further Review
Virginia EMP-2022-BR-006-0010 Middle Peninsula Planing District Commission- Focused Mitigation Action and Analysis Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Virginia EMP-2022-BR-006-0017 Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority Flood Protection Resiliency Design and Scoping Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Virginia EMP-2022-BR-006-0007 Virginia Deptartment of Conservation Recreation Disaster Assistance Response Team $107,718.00 Identified for Further Review
Virginia EMP-2022-BR-006-0022 Virginia Deptartment of Emergency Management Management Costs $151,640.50 Identified for Further Review
Washington EMS-2022-BR-035-0008 City of Bainbridge Island Shoreline Road Climate Adaptation Project Scoping $187,347.75 Identified for Further Review
Washington EMS-2022-BR-028-0002 Elder's Boulevard Water Line Seismic Retrofit $638,303.00 Identified for Further Review
Washington EMS-2022-BR-035-0020 King County Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $234,374.40 Identified for Further Review
Washington EMS-2022-BR-028-0001 Management Costs- Upper Sakgit Indian Tribe $83,622.60 Identified for Further Review
Washington EMS-2022-BR-024-0001 Managment Costs for Fidalgo Bay Road Design $88,382.34 Identified for Further Review
Washington EMS-2022-BR-035-0002 Ocean Beach School District Tsunami Towers Feasibility $160,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Washington EMS-2022-BR-031-0001 Port Gamble S'Klallam Resilient Data Infrastructure Project Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Washington EMS-2022-BR-024-0002 Preliminary Engineering / Design for Fidalgo Bay Road Reconstruction $828,614.61 Identified for Further Review
Washington EMS-2022-BR-035-0012 Region 5 Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $267,660.00 Identified for Further Review
Washington EMS-2022-BR-035-0014 State Management Costs - Washington $241,875.52 Identified for Further Review
Washington EMS-2022-BR-035-0011 Washington Department of Corrections Risk & Vulnerability Assessment and Mitigation Strategy Development $323,755.25 Identified for Further Review
Washington EMS-2022-BR-035-0007 Washington State Vertical Evacuation Structure Scoping for Disadvantaged Communities $715,760.00 Identified for Further Review
Washington EMS-2022-BR-028-0003 Wellhead Protection Area Seismic Retrofit Project Scoping $114,300.00 Identified for Further Review
Wisconsin EMC-2022-BR-010-0001 Application Management Costs- Oneida Nation $1,008,563.00 Identified for Further Review
Wisconsin EMC-2022-BR-004-0001 Bad River Band Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan Management Costs $2,362.07 Identified for Further Review
Wisconsin EMC-2022-BR-004-0002 Bad River Band Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan Update $21,258.63 Identified for Further Review
Wisconsin EMC-2022-BR-008-0022 Central Fond du Lac Flood Control Study $206,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Wisconsin EMC-2022-BR-008-0005 Central River Falls Flood Control Study $146,800.00 Identified for Further Review
Wisconsin EMC-2022-BR-008-0020 City of New Holstein Storm Water Mitigation Project $20,252.80 Identified for Further Review
Wisconsin EMC-2022-BR-008-0021 Eau Claire County Hazard Mitigation Plan $39,040.00 Identified for Further Review
Wisconsin EMC-2022-BR-008-0016 Jefferson County Plan $22,400.00 Identified for Further Review
Wisconsin EMC-2022-BR-008-0019 Kewaunee County Plan $25,690.70 Identified for Further Review
Wisconsin EMC-2022-BR-015-0001 Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Hazard Mitigation $76,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Wisconsin EMC-2022-BR-008-0008 Marinette County Hazard Mitigation Plan $29,313.24 Identified for Further Review
Wisconsin EMC-2022-BR-013-0001 Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin Management Cost $93,859.61 Identified for Further Review
Wisconsin EMC-2022-BR-013-0002 Menominee Tribe Overhead to Underground Power Line Conversion Mitigation Project $872,894.36 Identified for Further Review
Wisconsin EMC-2022-BR-008-0017 Monroe County Multi-Hazards Mitigation Plan Update $47,999.91 Identified for Further Review
Wisconsin EMC-2022-BR-010-0002 Oneida Nation Health Campus Resiliency Project $9,077,067.00 Identified for Further Review
Wisconsin EMC-2022-BR-008-0003 Pierce County Hazard Mitigation Planning Grant $47,982.30 Identified for Further Review
Wisconsin EMC-2022-BR-008-0004 Program - Green Lake County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $25,812.03 Identified for Further Review
Wisconsin EMC-2022-BR-008-0001 Sauk County - County Plan Update $27,523.58 Identified for Further Review
Wisconsin EMC-2022-BR-008-0013 South Central Manitowoc Grand Avenue and Rubick Field Storm Sewer and Dry Pond Design $264,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Wisconsin EMC-2022-BR-008-0002 Trempealeau County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $47,219.52 Identified for Further Review
Wisconsin EMC-2022-BR-008-0006 Village of Birchwood Community Safe Room Project $674,965.91 Identified for Further Review
Wisconsin EMC-2022-BR-008-0018 Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources - Capability and Capacity Building Partnerships/Planning-Related Activities Grant $375,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Wisconsin EMC-2022-BR-008-0023 Wisconsin Emergency Management Recipient Management Cost Grant $295,819.28 Identified for Further Review
Wyoming EMD-2022-BR-010-0003 North Platte River - Boozer Creek Restoration $885,959.25 Identified for Further Review
Wyoming EMD-2022-BR-010-0001 Storm Drainage Master Plan - Capital Improvement Project Planning $75,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Wyoming EMD-2022-BR-018-0001 Wind River Scoping Application $1,093,837.00 Identified for Further Review
Wyoming EMD-2022-BR-010-0002 Wyoming Office of Homeland Security - Management Costs $128,127.90 Identified for Further Review