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Appendix J. Acronym List

ACP                    Area Contingency Plan

ADA                    Americans with Disabilities Act

APHIS                 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

APIO                   Assistant Point of Contact

ASPR                  Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response

BEOC                  Business Emergency Operations Centers

CAA                    Clean Air Act

CAFE                  Chemical Aquatic Fate and Effects

CAMEO               Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations

CBRN                 Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear

CBRNE               Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and High-Yield Explosives

CDC                    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CERC                  Crisis & Emergency Risk Communication

CERCLA              Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act

CERT                   Community Emergency Response Teams

CHEMM              Chemical Hazards Emergency Medical Management

ChemSTEER       Chemical Screening Tool for Exposures and Environmental Releases

CIDRAP              Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy

CISA                   Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

CLU-IN                Clean-up Information

CMAD                 Consequence Management Advisory Division

CMCU                 Consequence Management Coordination Unit

COG                   Continuity of Government

CONOPS             Concept of Operations

COOP                  Continuity of Operations

COSS                 Chemical Operations Support Specialist

CWA                   Chemical Warfare Agent

CWA                   Clean Water Act

DEFRA                Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs

DEST                  Domestic Emergency Support Team

DHS                    Department of Homeland Security

DMAT                 Disaster Medical Assistance Team

DMORT               Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team

DNU                   Do Not Use

DOD                   Department of Defense

DOT                    Department of Transportation

DPMU                 Disaster Portable Morgue Unit

DRC                    Disaster Recovery Unit

DSSCA               Defense Support of Civil Authorities

DSTL                  Defence Science and Technology Laboratory

D-SNAP              Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

DTRA                  Defense Threat Reduction Agency

EAO                    External Affairs Officer

EAS                    Emergency Alert System

EEI                      Essential Elements of Information

E-FAST                Exposure and Fate Assessment Screening Tool

EMAC                 Emergency Management Assistance Compact

EMS                   Emergency Management System

EOC                    Emergency Operations Centers

EPA                     Environmental Protection Agency

EPCRA                Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act

EPI                      Estimation Program Interface

EPICode             Emergency Prediction Information Code

EpiX                    Epidemic Information Exchange

ERHMS               Emergency Responder Health Monitoring and Surveillance

ERMA                 Environmental Response Management Application

ESF                    Emergency Support Function

ESI                     Environmental Sensitivity Index

FAC                    Family Assistance Center

FBI                     Federal Bureau of Investigations

FCO                    Federal Coordinating Officer

FDA                    U.S. Food and Drug Administration

FEMA                  Federal Emergency Management Agency

FIC                     Family Information Centers

FIFRA                 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act

FIOP                   Federal Interagency Operational Plan

FMS                   Federal Medical Station

FSC                    Family Support Center

FTIR                    Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy

FOSC                  Federal On-Scene Coordinator

FRC                    Family Reception Center

FRC                    Federal Response Coordinator

GI                       Gastrointestinal

GNOME              General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment

HazMat              Hazardous Material

HAZUS-MH         Hazards – United States (Multi-Hazard)

HAZWOPER        Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Worker Protection

HCC                    Health Care Coalition

HCS                    Hazard Communications Standards

HHS                   U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

HIFLD                 Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data

HIPAA                 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

HPAC                  Hazard Prediction & Assessment Capability

HPP                    Hospital Preparedness Program

HYSPLIT             Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory

IAPPG                 Individual Assistance Program and Policy Guide

IC                       Incident Commander

ICS                     Incident Command System

ICIS                    Integrated Compliance Information System

ICLN                   Integrated Consortium of Laboratory Networks

ICP                     Incident Command Post

ICWater              Incident Command Tool for Protecting Drinking Water

IDLH                   Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health

IIOAC                  Integrated Indoor-Outdoor Air Calculator

IMAAC                Interagency Modeling and Atmospheric Assessment Center

IMAT                   Incident Management Assistance Team

IPAWS                Integrated Public Alert and Warning System

JFP                     Joint Field Office

JIC                      Joint Information Center

KPF                    Key Planning Factor

LEPC                   Local Emergency Planning Committee

LFA                     Lead Federal Agency

LGR                    Local Government Reimbursements

LUA                     License Use Agreement

LVA                     Low-Volatility Agent

MAC Group       Multiagency Coordination Group

MCM                  Medical Countermeasure

MPRSA               Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act

MOA                   Memorandum of Agreement

MOD                   Ministry of Defence

MoDI                  Modeling and Data Inventory

MOU                   Memorandum of Understanding

MRC                   Medical Reserve Corps

NAHSS               National Animal Health Surveillance System

NARAC                National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center

NCP                    National Oil and Hazardous Substance Pollution Contingency Plan

NDMS                National Disaster Medical System

NDRF                 National Disaster Recovery Framework

NEI                     National Emissions Inventory

NSSE                  National Special Security Event

NEFA                  National Fire Protection Association

NG                      National Guard

NGO                   Non-Governmental Organization

NIC                     National Incident Commander

NIMS                  National Incident Management System

NIOSH                National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

NJIC                   National Joint Information Center

NMRT                 National Medical Response Teams

NPDES               National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System

NPDS                 National Poison Data System

NPFC                  National Pollution Funds Center

NPI                     Non-Pharmaceutical Intervention

NPL                    National Priorities List

NRC                    National Response Center

NRCC                 National Response Coordination Center

NRF                    National Response Framework

NRP                    National Residue Program

NRS                    National Response System

NRT                    National Response Team

NVRT                  National Veterinary Response Team

NVS                    National Veterinary Stockpile

OCIA                   Oil/Chemical Incident Annex

OET                   Office of Emerging Threats (OET)

OPA                    Oil Pollution Act

OSC                    On-Scene Coordinator

OSHA                 Occupational Safety and Health Administration

OSLTF                Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund

PAO                    Public Affairs Officers

PCI                     Permit Compliance System

PID                     Photo Ionization Detector

PIO                     Public Information Officer

POTW                 Publicly Owned Treatment Works

PPD                    Presidential Policy Directive

PPE                     Personal Protective Equipment

PSA                    Public Service Announcement

PSA                    Protective Security Advisor (CISA)

PSAP                  Public Safety Answering Point

PTSD                  Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

QSAR                  Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship

QUIC                   Quick Urban & Industrial Complex

RAO                    Remedial Action Objective

RCRA                  Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

RDF                    Rapid Deployment Force

RedDOG             Readiness and Deployment Operations Group

RHRC                 Regional Hub Reception Center

RMP                   Risk Management Program

RSEI                   Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators

RP                      Responsible Party

RRCC                  Regional Response Coordination Center

RRT                    Regional Response Team

RSF                    Recovery Support Function

SAO                    Senior Agency Official

SARA                  Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act

SDS                    Safety Data Sheet

SDWA                 Safe Drinking Water Act

SENSOR             Sentinel Event Notification System for Occupational Risk

SERC                  State Emergency Response Commission

SHARC               System for Hazard Assessment of Released Chemicals

SLTT                   State, Local, Tribal, Territorial

SME                   Subject Matter Expert

SNS                    Strategic National Stockpile

SONS                 Spill of National Significance

SOP                    Standard Operating Procedure

SPR                    Stakeholder Preparedness Review

TCCT                   Trauma and Critical Care Teams

TEPC                   Tribal Emergency Planning Committees

TERC                  Tribal Emergency Response Commissions

THIRA                 Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

TIC                      Toxic Industrial Chemical

TIM                     Toxic Industrial Material

TPQ                    Threshold Planning Quantity

TRI                      Toxic Release Inventory

TSA                     Transitional Sheltering Assistance

TSCA                  Toxic Substances Control Act

TSDF                  Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities

UC                      Unified Command

UCG                    Unified Coordination Group

USCG                 U.S. Coast Guard

USDA                  U.S. Department of Agriculture

USG                    United States Government

USPHS               U.S. Public Health Service

VIC                     Victim Information Center Teams

VIP                      Victim Identification Program

VOAD                  Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters

VOC                    Volatile Organic Compound

WEA                    Wireless Emergency Alert

WISER                Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders

WMD                  Weapon of Mass Destruction

WMD-CST           Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team

WMDSG             Weapons of Mass Destruction Strategic Group