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FEMA approves $2 million for Bay County emergency bypass pump installation

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Release Date:
Tháng 5 25, 2021

PENSACOLA, FlaFEMA has approved a grant of $2,024,999 to Bay County to install permanent emergency bypass pumps at 36 lift stations within the county. The grant is funded by FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP).

During storm events, the sanitary sewer system needs to continue circulation to prevent being overwhelmed by any increased volume from floodwaters. Installing emergency bypass pumps will mitigate sanitary sewer flooding and surcharging, allowing lift station pump operations to be maintained even without an external power supply.

Under the HMGP, FEMA provides grants to help communities eliminate or reduce disaster-related damage. Following a major disaster, a percentage of total federal recovery grant funds is designated to develop more resilient communities. Because Florida has an Enhanced Hazard Mitigation Plan, this means more funds are available for post-disaster mitigation programs. States with an enhanced plan receive HMGP funds based on 20% of the total estimated eligible Stafford Act disaster assistance.
