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Texas Severe Storms, Tornadoes, and Flooding
Giai đoạn Xảy ra Biến cố: Th3 7, 2016 - Th3 29, 2016
Ngày Công bố: Th3 19, 2016
Liên kết Nhanh
- Nguồn hỗ trợ khắc phục hậu quả: Tiểu bang/địa phương | Quốc gia
- Kết nối: Truyền thông Xã hội | Ứng dụng di động & Tin nhắn
- Cố vấn 24/7: Đường Dây Trợ Giúp Căng Thẳng Do Thảm Họa
Thêm Thông tin về Thảm họa Này
Các Nguồn Trợ giúp Địa phương
Thông tin Địa phương
Tin tức & Truyền thông Địa phương
Truy cập trang Tin tức & Truyền thông để biết về các sự kiện, trang thông tin, thông cáo báo chí và các nguồn thông tin truyền thông khác.
FAQs After Receiving A Letter
I applied with FEMA and was sent a letter saying I’m ineligible or that my application was incomplete. Does this mean I’m not going to get any help?
Don't be alarmed or discouraged. Sometimes just a quick fix can change “ineligible” to “eligible”. Maybe FEMA does not have all the information needed to make a decision regarding your application for disaster assistance. It’s important to call 800-621-3362 or visit a recovery center to discuss this with us face-to-face. Find your closest Texas recovery center online at Disaster Recovery Center.
What are some reasons why I could have received this letter?
Maybe you didn’t return information about your insurance policy, provide information to prove occupancy or ownership of the damaged property, fill out all necessary paperwork, or complete and return the U.S. Small Business Administration disaster loan application. Remember: You are not obligated to accept an SBA loan if one is approved, but if you don’t accept the loan, you may not be eligible for additional federal disaster assistance.
I have insurance. How do I get that information to FEMA so you can proceed with my application?
Contact your insurance company and ask for a settlement letter detailing exactly what is covered under their claim. Your insurance settlement information should be mailed to:
FEMA – Individuals and Households Program
National Processing Service Center
P.O. Box 10055
Hyattsville, MD 20782-7055
How long do I have to submit insurance information?
You have up to 12 months from the date you registered with FEMA to submit insurance information for review. FEMA cannot provide money to individuals or households for losses already covered by insurance.
Can I appeal my determination letter?
Every applicant has the right to appeal.
How long do I have to appeal?
Applicants have 60 days from the date on the determination letter to appeal a decision. Guidelines for an appeal can be found in the Applicant’s Handbook sent to everyone who registered with FEMA.
How do I appeal?
Your letter tells you how to appeal the decision and what additional information you need to provide to FEMA. You can visit our page "Appeal FEMA's Individual Assistance Decision" about how to appeal. You can also call 800-621-3362 or visit your nearest Texas recovery center to speak with somebody who will assist you through the appeal process. Locate disaster recovery centers online at
Các Cam kết Tài trợ
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Tổng Hỗ trợ Nhà ở (HA) - Số tiền được Duyệt | $18,326,321.56 |
Tổng Hỗ trợ Nhu cầu Khác (ONA) - Số tiền được Chấp thuận | $2,818,139.96 |
Tổng Số Tiền Được Duyệt cho Chương trình Hỗ trợ Cá nhân & Hộ Gia đình | $21,144,461.52 |
Số Đơn xin Hỗ trợ Cá nhân đã Duyệt | 1860 |
Hỗ trợ Công cộng | Số tiền |
Công việc khẩn cấp (Loại A-B) - Số Tiền Được Phê Duyệt | $9,059,351.49 |
Công việc vĩnh viễn (Loại C-G) - Số Tiền Được Phê Duyệt | $22,243,856.32 |
Tổng số trợ cấp công cộng được phê duyệt | $31,915,708.81 |