Nonprofit Security Grant Program
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Plizyè patnè kominotè atravè Zile Vyèj Etazini yo ap kapab ranfòse sekirite ak pwoteksyon yo gras ak sibvansyon FEMA yo. An total, yon ti kras plis pase $1 milyon te atribye bay tanp adorasyon ak òganizasyon kominotè atravè yon pwosesis aplikasyon konpetitif. Sibvansyon sa yo pral finanse amelyorasyon estriktirèl pou pwoteje enstitisyon sa yo kont menas.
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Varios colaboradores comunitarios en las Islas Vírgenes de los EE. UU. (USVI, por sus siglas en inglés) podrán fortalecer su seguridad y protección con subvenciones de la Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA, por sus siglas en inglés). En suma, un poco más de $1 millón fue otorgado a varias casas de adoración y organizaciones comunitarias mediante un proceso de solicitud competitivo. Estas subvenciones financiarán aumentos estructurales para proteger estas instituciones contra amenazas.
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Several community partners across the U.S. Virgin Islands will be able to strengthen their safety and security with grants from FEMA. In total, just over $1 million was awarded to houses of worship and community organizations through a competitive application process. These grants will fund structural enhancements to protect these institutions from threats.
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Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Fiscal Year 2024 Nonprofit Security Grant Program National Security Supplemental
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The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is firmly committed to ensuring that its funding opportunities and application processes are clear and transparent, and that they do not create confusion or contain undue complexity. DHS has endeavored to fulfill this commitment here, and we plan to continue delivering on this commitment.
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