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South Carolina Hurricane Helene

South Carolina

Mudada Dhacdada: Sep 25, 2024 - Oct 7, 2024

Taariikhda Shaacinta: Sep 29, 2024

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Kheyraadka Maxalliga ah

Warka & Saxaafadda Maxalliga ah

Booqo bogga Warka & Saxaafadda ee dhacdooyina, xaashadaha xaqiiqda, siideymaha saxaafadda iyo kheyraadyada kale ee isgaarsiin.

Local Resources Custom Text

FEMA responding to Hurricane Helene

Caption: Allendale, S.C. (October 17th, 2024) - FEMA participates in Team South Carolina Day where they assisted people affected by Hurricane Helene.
Allendale, S.C. (October 17th, 2024) - FEMA participates in Team South Carolina Day where they assisted people affected by Hurricane Helene.

Emerald Multimedia Collection 

DVIDS Multimedia Collection 

Recent Hurricane Rumors

Misinformation and rumors can spread quickly after a disaster. Help keep yourself, your family and your community safe by being aware of rumors and scams and sharing official information from trusted sources.

Learn more: Hurricane Rumor Response

Mental Health Resources for Disaster Survivors

Use these resources from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA):

988 Crisis Lifeline

Sometimes help can’t wait. If you or someone you know is in danger or having a medical emergency, call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room. If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available.  Access the 988 Crisis Lifeline by dialing/texting 988 or chatting at You will speak with a crisis counselor any time of day or night.

Disaster Distress Hotline

The helpline is open to anyone experiencing emotional distress related to disasters. This includes survivors of disasters; loved ones of victims; first responders; rescue, recovery, and relief workers; clergy; and parents and caregivers. You may call for yourself or on behalf of someone else.

You can call the toll-free, multilingual Disaster Distress Helpline for confidential counseling, referrals and other support, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call or text 1-800-985-5990. Spanish speakers should press “2”. Deaf and hard of hearing ASL callers can connect directly to an American Sign Language agent, through ASL Now or by calling 1-800-985-5990 from your videophone.

Sidoo loo Caawiyo

Is-xilqaam oo ku Deeq

Kasoo-kabasho ayaa qaadan karta dhowr sanno musiibo kadib. Waxaa jira dhowr qaabab ee loo caawiyo sida ku deeqida kaash, sheyaasha loo baahanyahay ama wakhtigaaga. Wax badan ka baro sida loo caawiyo kuwa baahida kujira.

Ha isu-dirin naftaada goobaha musiibada. Ururo La Aaminsanyahay ee goobaha waxyeeloobey jooga ayaa og meesha is-xilqaamayaasha looga baahanyahay. Kala shaqee urur abaabulan si aad u xaqiijiso inaad leedahay badqabka, tababarka iyo xirfadaha habboon ee loogu baahanyahay in lagu jawaab-bixiyo.

Is-kaashatooyinka Hay'adda Is-xilqaan ee FEMA (VAL) ayaa la dhisa xiriiro waxeyna isku-duwdaa dadaalo lala sameeyo ururada bulsho ee ku firfircoon musiibooyinka ee is-xilqaama, oo ku salaysan aaminaad.

La samaynta Ganacsiyo FEMA

Haddii aad xiiseyneysid inaad bixisid adeegyo iyo badeeco lacag ah oo loogu talalgalay kabashada musiibo, booqo boggeena La samaynta Ganacsiyo FEMA si aad u bilawdid.

Haddii aad leedahay ganacsi ku hawlan saarida qashinka aadna rabtid inaad ka shaqeysid dadaalada nadiifinta goobta saamooway, fadlan la xiriir dawlada hoose ee goobaha saamooway si aad u bixisid adeegyadaada.

Waajibaadyada Kharash-garaynta

Gargaar Shakhsiyeed Cadadka
Wadarta Gargaarka Guriyeynta (HA) - Dollarka la Ansixiyey $51,521,488.56
Wadarta Gargaarka Baahiyaha Kale (ONA) - Dollarka la Ansixiyey $226,552,907.66
Wadarta Barnaamijka Shaksi & Qoys Dollarka la Ansixiyey $278,074,396.22
Cosiyada Gargaar Shakhsiyeed la Ansixiyey 244094