alert - warning

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Office of National Continuity Programs

On behalf of the President, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the FEMA Administrator, the Office of National Continuity Programs (ONCP) guides the planning, implementation and assessment of continuity programs that enable federal, state, local, tribal and territorial governments to continue performing essential functions and delivering critical services when typical operations are disrupted by an emergency. ONCP also ensures that at all times, the President, federal agencies and governments at all levels are able to provide timely and effective alerts and warnings regarding natural disaster, acts of terrorism and other manmade disasters or threats to public safety.

The development, integration and maintenance of continuity considerations and capabilities is a shared responsibility of the whole community and helps build a more resilient nation equipped to sustain essential functions, deliver critical services and stabilize community lifelines under all conditions.

What We Do

ONCP leads national continuity for the whole of government and non-governmental stakeholders through delivering services and capabilities to support national resilience. These services include planning, training, assessing and evaluating, and technical assistance, as well as provisioning innovative equipment, systems and facilities solutions that mitigate impacts of threats to essential functions, and ensure government entities’ ability to alert and warn the public. ONCP supports those leading our nation’s essential functions by driving the integration of continuity principles and capabilities throughout their vital missions.

ONCP Office, Center and Divisions

  • Office of the Associate Administrator,
  • Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center (MWEOC), and
  • Seven divisions:
    • Continuity of Implementation Division (CID)
    • Continuity Communications Divisions (CCD)
    • Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS)
    • Department of Homeland Security Continuity Division (DCD)
    • Continuity Support Division (CSD)
    • Policy, Plans, and Evaluation Division (PPED)
    • Business Management Division (BMD)

Continuity Resources and Technical Assistance

Access resources such as assessments, toolkits, brochures, templates, and training and technical assistance to help ensure continuity.


View the FEMA Offices & Leadership page to learn about this program's key staff.