Press Releases, Fact Sheets & Blogs
This page contains news and media items created as part of FEMA's COVID-19 response.

Disaster Declarations
On March 13, 2020, former President Trump declared a nationwide emergency pursuant to Sec. 501(b) of Stafford Act.
View Disaster Declarations
Press Releases, Fact Sheets and Blogs
WASHINGTON— Hoje, a FEMA anunciou a aprovação de 30 estados e do Distrito de Colúmbia para o Programa de assistência e treinamento de aconselhamento em situações de crise.
WASHINGTON – Como parte da resposta dos Estados Unidos como um todo à pandemia da COVID-19, a FEMA está trabalhando para ajudar os sobreviventes de desastres, desabrigados e governos estaduais, loc
WASHINGTON – A falta de recursos médicos na luta contra o COVID-19 é uma questão global. Os Estados Unidos estão competindo pelos mesmos recursos que muitos outros países.
A FEMA está emitindo uma suspensão temporária do aluguel para sobreviventes de desastres que habitam em moradias da FEMA nos seguintes estados:
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: Safe Opening and Operation Work Eligible for Public Assistance (Interim) | April 2, 2021 (English) (Spanish)
- COVID-19 Funeral Assistance Individuals and Households Program Policy (Interim) | March 24, 2021 (English)
- Public Assistance Disaster-Specific Guidance - COVID-19 Declarations (English) | February 3, 2021
- Community Vaccination Centers Playbook (English) | February 18, 2021
- Medical Staffing Requests (English) | Updated on November 23, 2020
- COVID-19 Pandemic: Vaccination Planning FAQ (English) | November 19, 2020
- COVID-19’s Impact on the Human & Social Services Sector | October 23, 2020 (English)
- Interim Policy: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: Work Eligible for Public Assistance (FEMA Policy - FP 104-009-19) (English) | September 1, 2020
- Waiver of Private Nonprofit Primary Use and Primary Ownership Facility Policies Under the (COVID-19) Pandemic Declarations (English)
- Administrator Gaynor's Letter to State Directors and Agencies (English) | July 20, 2020
- Extension of Administrative Relief and Other Flexibilities for Recipients and Subrecipients of FEMA Financial Assistance for Response to or Direct Impacts from Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) per OMB Memorandum M-20-26 (English) | July 15, 2020
- Equal Rights Civil Rights Stakeholders Call Transcript May 6, 2020 (English) | (Spanish) | July 14, 2020
- FEMA and HHS Civil Rights Stakeholder Call Transcript April 17, 2020 (English) | July 14, 2020
- Important Information Regarding FEMA Temporary Final Rule on Prioritization and Allocation of Certain Scarce or Threatened Health and Medical Resources for Domestic Consumption (English) | July 6,2020
- Clarification of Applicability of OMB Memorandum M-20-20 to FEMA's Non-disaster Grants (English) | June 11, 2020
- FEMA Releases Guidance for Providing Mass Care During a Pandemic (English) | June 10, 2020
- Civil Rights COVID-19 Stakeholder Call Transcript - Meeting #2 (English) | (Spanish) | June 10, 2020
- FEMA Administrator June 1, 2020, Letter to the Nation's Emergency Managers (English) | June 1, 2020
- COVID-19 Policy: Medical Care Costs Eligible for Public Assistance (English) | May 9, 2020
- Grant Programs Directorate Procurement (Video) | May 1, 2020
- DHS and HHS Civil Rights Stakeholder Teleconference About COVID-19 (English) | April 30, 2020
- Planning Considerations for Organizations in Reconstituting Operations During the COVID-19 Pandemic (English) | April 30, 2020
- Short Term Administrative Relief for Recipients and Subrecipients of FEMA Financial Assistance With Awards Specifically Supporting the Response to the Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) per OMB Memorandum M-20-11 (English) | April 20, 2020
- FEMA Administrator April 15, 2020, letter to Emergency Managers (English) (Spanish) | April 15, 2020
- Ensuring Civil Rights During the COVID-19 Response (English) (Spanish) | April 14, 2020
- FEMA and HHS Civil Rights Stakeholder Teleconference About COVID-19 (English) | April 13, 2020
- Purchase and Distribution of Food Eligible for Public Assistance (English) (Spanish)| April 12, 2020
- HHS Letter to Hospital Administrators (English) (Spanish)| April 10, 2020
- FEMA Letter to Distributors on Delivery of Medical Supplies (English) (Spanish)| April 8, 2020
- COVID-19 Guidance: Short Term Administrative Relief for Recipients and Subrecipients of FEMA Financial Assistance Directly Impacted by the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Due to Loss of Operations (English) | April 1, 2020
- COVID-19 Guidance: Procurements Under Grants During Periods of Exigent or Emergency Circumstances (English) | April 1, 2020
- FEMA Administrator March 27, 2020, letter to Emergency Managers Requesting Action on Critical Steps (English) (Spanish) | March 27, 2020
To view and download graphics, visit our COVID-19 graphics collection.
Stay informed with what we are doing to support the whole-of-America response against Coronavirus by visiting the COVID-19 By The Numbers collection.
To view and download photos:
- DOD DVIDS: COVID-19 photo collection
- DHS EMERALD: FEMA COVID-19 Vaccine Support
- US Army Corps of Engineers: COVID-19 photo gallery
- US Army Corps of Engineers: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Philadelphia District COVID-19 photo gallery
- View the entire COVID-19 Support and Response playlist on YouTube.
- Or view these videos in American Sign Language (ASL).
- To view and download videos, visit the COVID-19 video collection.
- Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): COVID-19 video playlist
- U.S Department of Health and human Services (HHS): COVID-19 video playlist