Be aware of post-disaster fraud and scams

Release Date Release Number
DR-4847-CTM NR-06
Release Date:
February 21, 2025

Protect yourself from fraud, schemes and scams 

Crow Agency, MT - FEMA encourages Crow Tribe members who have applied for disaster assistance to be alert to potential fraud by scam artists, identity thieves and other criminals. 

Common tactics used by scam artists include phone calls from people claiming to work for FEMA. The caller may ask for your Social Security number, income or banking information. This is not FEMA. 

There have been reports of recent phone calls asking tribal member for various documents, claiming they would come by and pick them up. This is not FEMA. 

The only FEMA representative who will visit your home is an inspector, accompanied by a tribal guide, to assess your damage. They will have a FEMA identification badge. 

You MAY hear from FEMA by phone, as FEMA does do call outs for follow up work. FEMA may ask for:

  • last 4 numbers of your social security number
  • the address of your damaged home
  • current mailing address
  • current phone number
  • current location 

FEMA will NOT ask for a full social security number, banking information, or income. 

Do not provide your documents to anyone who comes to your home claiming to be with FEMA. We are reviewing and uploading documents for you at the Disaster Recovery Center, located at the Black Lodge Community Center, I-90 at the Dunmore exit, #503. Hours are Monday through Saturday, 9am – 4pm. 

In addition, never trust someone claiming to be a disaster assistance employee asking for money. FEMA does not endorse any commercial business, product or service, and local and federal disaster assistance workers do not solicit or accept money.


FEMA’s mission is helping people before, during, and after disasters.

Last updated