OpenFEMA Dataset: Public Assistance Funded Projects Details - v1
Key | Value |
Entity Name | PublicAssistanceFundedProjectsDetails |
API Endpoint | |
Update Frequency | R/P1D |
Program URL | |
Category | Public Assistance |
Keywords | public |
The Public Assistance Funded Projects Details dataset contains obligated (financial obligation to grantee) Public Assistance projects, lists public assistance recipients designated as applicants in the data, and a list of every funded, individual project, called project worksheets. Open projects still under pre-obligation processing are not represented. Applicant details can be obtained by relating this dataset with the OpenFEMA Public Assistance Applicants dataset using the Applicant ID field.
FEMA provides supplemental Federal disaster grant assistance for debris removal, emergency protective measures, and the repair, replacement, or restoration of disaster-damaged, publicly owned facilities and the facilities of certain Private Non-Profit (PNP) organizations through the PA Program (CDFA Number 97.036). This recovery grant assistance also provides 406 hazard mitigation dollars for damaged facilities to encourage protection from future events (see FEMA PA Hazard Mitigation
This is raw, unedited data from FEMA's Emergency Management Mission Integrated Environment (EMMIE) and as such is subject to a small percentage of human error. The financial information is derived from EMMIE and not FEMA's official financial systems. Due to differences in reporting periods, status of obligations, and application of business rules, this financial information may differ slightly from official publication on public websites such as This dataset is not intended to be used for any official federal reporting.
The data has been incorporated into a graphic visualization at Public Assistance Program Summary of Obligations: Questions pertaining to the data visualizations should be addressed to
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If you have media inquiries about this dataset, please email the FEMA Press Office at or call (202) 646-3272. For inquiries about FEMA's data and Open Government program, please email the OpenFEMA team at
Full Data
Format | Address | Record Count | Approximate File Size |
csv | Link to csv | 808147 | medium (50MB - 500MB) |
json | Link to json | 808147 | large (500MB - 10GB) |
jsona | Link to jsona | 808147 | large (500MB - 10GB) |
jsonl | Link to jsonl | 808147 | large (500MB - 10GB) |
parquet | Link to parquet | 808147 | medium (50MB - 500MB) |
Data Fields
Name | Title | Type | Description | Is Searchable |
disasterNumber | Disaster Number |
Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. For more information on the disaster process visit | yes |
declarationDate | Declaration Date |
Date the disaster was declared | yes |
incidentType | Incident Type |
Short description of the disaster cause or hazard identified in the Major Disaster event declaration or Emergency declaration such as fire or flood. | yes |
pwNumber | Project Worksheet Number |
Sequentially assigned number used to identify a unique project | yes |
applicationTitle | Application Title |
Standard, non-unique (free form text) application title | yes |
applicantId | Applicant ID |
Unique Public Assistance applicant identification number | yes |
damageCategoryCode | Damage Category Code |
Description of the type of work eligible for reimbursement through a Public Assistance grant. For a full listing of each category please go to | yes |
projectSize | Project Size |
FEMA categorizes projects as small or large, based on an evaluation of the project cost and a yearly adjusted threshold value. Project size can affect a number of variables in case management (processing). Threshold values can be found here: | yes |
county | County |
The name of a U.S. county, parish, borough, independent city or other political subdivision specifying the applicant location. Counties may not be available for tribal, territories or applicants lacking specified headquarter locations. | yes |
countyCode | County Code |
Unique identifier for a U.S. county; typically, this identifier makes up the last three digits of a five digit Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Code | yes |
state | State |
The name of a U.S. state or territory | yes |
stateCode | State Code |
Two-character unique identifier for a U.S. state or territory | yes |
stateNumberCode | State Number Code |
Unique identifier for a U.S. state or territory; this identifier makes up the first two digits of a five digit Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Code | yes |
projectAmount | Project Amount |
The estimated total cost of the Public Assistance grant project in dollars, without administrative costs. This amount is based on the damage survey | yes |
federalShareObligated | Federal Share Obligated |
The Public Assistance grant funding available to the grantee (State) in dollars, for sub-grantee's approved Project Worksheets | yes |
totalObligated | Total Obligated |
The federal share of the Public Assistance grant eligible project amount in dollars, plus grantee (State) and sub-grantee (applicant) administrative costs. The federal share is typically 75% of the total cost of the project | yes |
obligatedDate | Latest Obligation Date |
change to null | yes |
mitigationAmount | Mitigation Amount |
Public Assistance proposed amount (this amount is before any cost share reduction) that applies to 406 mitigation. Note: does not capture some HMP proposals in the cost lines. Some negative values may exist and are due to adjustments between mitigation costs and project costs, deobligations within versions, and incorrectly categorized mitigation cost lines. | yes |
dcc | Damage Category Code |
Damage category code related to the Damage Category Description | yes |
damageCategory | Damage Category Description |
Description of the type of work eligible for reimbursement through a Public Assistance grant. For a full listing of each category please go to | yes |
lastRefresh | Last Refresh |
Date the record was last updated in the API data store | yes |
hash | Hash |
MD5 Hash of the fields and values of the record | no |
id | ID |
Unique ID assigned to the record | yes |
See Also
Access the metadata API calls for additional information: