OpenFEMA Dataset: NFIP Community Status Book - v1

Version: 1
Last Data Refresh: 03-10-2025
Key Value
Entity Name NfipCommunityStatusBook
API Endpoint
Update Frequency R/P1D
Program URL
Category National Flood Insurance Program
Keywords NFIP


The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) enables property owners to purchase flood insurance; in return, communities agree to adopt and implement local floodplain management regulations that contribute to protecting lives and reducing the risk of new construction and substantial improvements from future flooding. The NFIP Community Status Book dataset contains the current NFIP status of a community which determines whether citizens have the opportunity to purchase flood insurance as well as qualify for disaster assistance. In addition, this dataset provides the available insurance discount rates for communities that participate in the Community Rating System (CRS).

This data resides within the NFIP Community Information System (CIS), FEMA's system of record for the FEMA National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Floodplain Management Program. CIS is used to manage all information related to NFIP floodplain management, including activities, documentation, correspondence, and other pertinent information.

For static Community Status Reports, see

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Full Data

Format Address Record Count Approximate File Size
csv Link to csv 25040 tiny (< 10MB)
json Link to json 25040 tiny (< 10MB)
jsona Link to jsona 25040 tiny (< 10MB)
jsonl Link to jsonl 25040 tiny (< 10MB)
parquet Link to parquet 25040 tiny (< 10MB)

Data Fields

Name Title Type Description Is Searchable
communityIdNumber Community ID (CID)
A Community ID (CID) is a unique identifier given to all communities in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). It assists you in quickly identifying your community and associated flood risk information when using FEMA's management systems yes
communityName Community Name
This is the name of the community, and is associated with the unique CID identifier. Generally, an NFIP community represents the lowest level of government with land use authority. Thus, not every city or town is recognized as its own community with the NFIP. Each state or territory determines land use authority granted to counties/parishes/boroughs, towns/cities, tribal area, etc. within their own jurisdiction yes
county County
Name of a U.S. county, parish, borough, independent city or other political subdivision of a U.S. state or territory yes
state State Abbreviation
U.S. state or territory abbreviation yes
initialFloodHazardBoundaryMap Initial Flood Hazard Boundary Map
Initial date of when the Flood Hazard Boundary Map was created. This map is only a factor in communities that do not have a Flood Insurance Rate Map. If no date is present, the community never received an initial FHBM. FEMA no longer creates this product and the date is relevant only to determine the date for pre- and post-FIRM construction yes
initialFloodInsuranceRateMap Initial Flood Insurance Rate Map
Initial date for the communitys first Flood Insurance Rate Map, and it is important because it represents the dividing line between two building categories called Pre-FIRM and Post-FIRM. If no date is present, the community has either not received an initial FIRM, or has not adopted it yes
currentlyEffectiveMapDate Currently Effective Map Date
Date of the map currently in effect. E Indicates Entry In Emergency Program NSFHA No Special Flood Hazard Area - All Zone C (>) Date of Current Effective Map is after the Date of This Report N/A Not Applicable At This Time (S) Suspended Community (W) Withdrawn Community (M) No Elevation Determined - All Zone A, C and X (L) Original FIRM by Letter - All Zone A, C and X yes
regularEmergencyProgramDate Regular or Emergency Program Date
Date the community first joined the NFIP. An "E" next to the date indicates that the community is in the Emergency Program and subject to limited coverage. If there is no "E" next to the date, then the community participates in the Regular Program yes
tribal Tribal
Yes/No indicator on whether the participating community is a tribal nation. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0' yes
participatingInNFIP Participating
Yes/No indicator on whether or not the community is participating in the NFIP. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0' yes
originalEntryDate Original Entry Date
The original entry date of the CRS information yes
classRatingEffectiveDate Class Rating Effective Date
The effective date of the Class rating yes
classRating Class Rating
The Class rating are based on aggregated points communities received for implementing floodplain activities that are higher than the minimum requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) yes
sfhaDiscount SFHA Discount
The percentage of Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) insurance discount available based on the information received from the Community Rating System (CRS) yes
nonSfhaDiscount Non-SFHA Discount
The percentage of non Special Flood Hazard Area insurance (non-SFHA) discount available based on the information received from the Community Rating System (CRS) yes
lastRefresh Last Refresh
Date the record was last updated in the API data store (MM/DD/YYYY) yes

See Also

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