OpenFEMA Dataset: Hazard Mitigation Grant Program - Disaster Summaries - v2
Key | Value |
Entity Name | HazardMitigationGrantProgramDisasterSummaries |
API Endpoint | |
Update Frequency | R/P1D |
Program URL | |
Category | Hazard Mitigation |
Keywords | mitigation |
The dataset contains disaster level financial information for FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). The purpose of HMGP is to help communities implement hazard mitigation measures following a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration in the areas of the State, Tribe, or Territory requested by the Governor or Tribal Executive. For more information on the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, please visit:
HMGP (Disaster Numbers 820-1999, 4000-4999)
Section 404 of the Stafford Act authorized the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). The key purpose of HMGP is to ensure that the opportunity to take critical mitigation measures to reduce the risk of loss of life and property from future disasters is not lost during the reconstruction process following a disaster. The amount of HMGP funding available to the Applicant is based upon the total Federal assistance to be provided by FEMA for disaster recovery under the Presidential major disaster declaration.
Fire Management Assistance Grant (FMAG) HMGP (Disaster Numbers 5084-5117)
Section 570 of the Fiscal Year 2015 DHS Appropriations Act authorized FEMA to provide HMGP assistance as a result of an FMAG declaration. FMAG HMGP was run as a pilot program and funding was provided as a national aggregate calculation based on an average of historical FMAG designations from the last five years.
HMGP Post Fire (Disaster Numbers 5154-5999)
Section 1204 of the Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018 amended Section 404 of the Stafford Act to authorize FEMA to provide HMGP assistance in any area affected by a major disaster, or any area affected by a fire for which assistance was provided under Section 420 Fire Management Assistance Grant (FMAG). Funding from multiple events is aggregated into one grant under the first declaration. The Aggregation is reset at the beginning of each fiscal year and remains in effect for that year.
This dataset contains hazard mitigation grant program disasters assistance information from FEMA’s mitigation grant systems and as such is subject to a small percentage of human error. The financial information is derived from FEMA’s mitigation grant systems, not FEMA's official financial systems. Due to differences in reporting periods, status of obligations and how business rules are applied, this financial information may differ slightly from official publication on public websites such as; this dataset is not intended to be used for any official federal financial reporting.
In some cases, data was not provided by the subrecipient, recipient, and/or entered into FEMA’s mitigation grant systems. The information is likely available as part of the paper file which is considered the file of record.
If you have media inquiries about this dataset, please email the FEMA Press Office at or call (202) 646-3272. For inquiries about FEMA's data and Open Government program, please email the OpenFEMA team at
Full Data
Format | Address | Record Count | Approximate File Size |
csv | Link to csv | 2472 | tiny (< 10MB) |
json | Link to json | 2472 | tiny (< 10MB) |
jsona | Link to jsona | 2472 | tiny (< 10MB) |
jsonl | Link to jsonl | 2472 | tiny (< 10MB) |
parquet | Link to parquet | 2472 | tiny (< 10MB) |
Data Fields
Name | Title | Type | Description | Is Searchable |
disasterNumber | Disaster Number |
Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. For more information on the disaster process, visit | yes |
declarationDate | Declaration Date |
Date the disaster was declared | yes |
disasterType | Disaster Type |
Two character code that defines if this is a major disaster (DR), fire management (FM), or emergency declaration (EM). For more information on the disaster process, please visit | yes |
incidentType | Incident Type |
Type of incident such as fire or flood. The incident type will affect the types of assistance available. For more information on incident types, please visit | yes |
title | Disaster Title |
Brief title for the disaster | yes |
region | Region |
Number (1-10) used to represent the Region | yes |
state | State |
Full name of the State (e.g., Virginia) | yes |
disasterCloseoutStatus | Disaster Closeout Status |
Closeout status (i.e., Open or Closed) of the entire disaster | yes |
hmgpCloseoutStatus | HMGP Closeout Status |
Closeout status (i.e., Open or Closed) of the HMGP program. If an HMGP Reconciliation Date exists, then the status equals Closed; otherwise, the status equals Open | yes |
disasterCloseoutDate | Disaster Closeout Date |
Date the entire disaster was closed | yes |
hmgpReconciliationDate | HMGP Reconciliation Date |
The date FEMA Headquarters concurred on the financial reconciliation conducted by the Region and has closed the program for the disaster | yes |
disasterDueDateForNewApps | Due Date for New Applications |
Final due date for new HMGP applications | yes |
disasterPopEndDate | Disaster Period of Performance End Date |
The Period of Performance (POP) is the period of time during which the non-Federal entity may incur new obligations to carry out all administrative actions and award activities, and incur costs. For state management cost, the initial POP may not exceed 8 years from the disaster declaration | yes |
hmgpPopEndDate | HMGP Period of Performance End Date |
The latest work due date or work revised date from the work scheduled across all projects within a disaster. This represents the day by which the non-Federal entity may incur new obligations to carry out all administrative actions and award activities, and incur costs | yes |
hmgpPopExtnDate | HMGP Period of Performance Extension Date |
The day by which the non-Federal entity may incur new obligations to carry out all administrative actions and award activities, and incur costs | yes |
hmgpPopExtnNum | HMGP Period of Performance Extension Number |
The number of the latest extension the disaster has received since the expiration of the original Period of Performance | yes |
liqPeriodDate | Liquidation Period Date |
The Disaster Liquidation Period is the time after the grant performance period ends when a non-federal entity must liquidate all obligations incurred during the performance period | yes |
liqPeriodMaxDate | Liquidation Period Latest Extension Date |
The date of the latest Liquidation Period Extension | yes |
liqPeriodMaxPopNum | Liquidation Period Latest Extension Number |
The number of the latest Liquidation Period Extension | yes |
liqPeriodMaxExtDate | Additional Extension after Liquidation Period Date |
The date of the latest additional extension granted after the Liquidation Period end date | yes |
liqPeriodMaxExtNum | Additional Extension after Liquidation Period Number |
The number of the latest additional extension granted after the Liquidation Period end date | yes |
lockedInCeilingAmount | Locked In Ceiling Amount |
The level of HMGP funding available in dollars to a Recipient/Grantee for a particular disaster declaration. This dollar amount, also known as the 'lock-in' value for HMGP, is the maximum that FEMA can obligate for eligible HMGP activities | yes |
mitigationDollarsAvailable | Mitigation Dollars Available |
The remaining amount available to Recipients for eligible projects | yes |
obligatedTotalAmount | Total Amount Obligated |
Total amount obligated for the disaster in dollars. This amount includes Recipient/Grantee and Subrecipient/Subgrantee admin costs. This field name was previously referred to as obligated total amount. | yes |
obligatedInitiativeAmount | Initative Project Amount Obligated |
Total amount obligated for 5% initiative projects in dollars. The 5% Initiative allows Recipients/Grantees under the HMGP to use up to five percent of total HMGP grant funds for projects that are difficult to evaluate using FEMA-approved cost-effectiveness methodologies, but which otherwise meet HMGP eligibility requirements. This field name was previously referred to as obligated initiative amount. | yes |
obligatedPlanningAmount | Planning Project Amount Obligated |
Total amount obligated for planning projects in dollars. Up to 7% of a Recipient/Grantee's HMGP funding can be used for mitigation planning related activities. This field name was previously referred to as obligated planning amount | yes |
obligatedRegularAmount | Regular Project Amount Obligated |
Total amount obligated for regular projects in dollars. This field name was previously referred to as obligated regular amount. For more information on eligible mitigation activities, visit: | yes |
obligatedRecipientAdmin | Recipient Administrative Costs Obligated |
Total amount obligated for Recipient Administrative Costs in dollars. Recipient Administrative Costs are provided to the Recipient for overtime pay, per diem, and travel for employees performing grant administration tasks. Recipient Administrative Costs only apply to disasters declared prior to November 13, 2007. This field name was previously referred to as Obligated Grantee Admin | yes |
obligatedSubrecipientAdmin | Subrecipient Administrative Costs Obligated |
Total amount obligated for Subrecipient Administrative Costs in dollars. Subrecipient Administrative Costs are provided to the Subrecipient for the preparation of applications, quarterly reports, audits, related field inspections, recordkeeping, and the filing of reimbursement claims to the Recipient. Subrecipient Administrative Costs only apply to disasters declared prior to November 13, 2007. This field name was previously referred to as obligated Subgrantee Admin | yes |
obligatedRecipientMgmtAmt | Recipient Management Costs Obligated |
Total amount obligated for Recipient Management Costs in dollars. Management Costs are any indirect costs, administrative expenses, and any other expenses not directly chargeable to a specific project that are reasonably incurred by a recipient or subrecipient in administering and managing an HMGP grant award. Recipient Management Costs only apply to disasters declared on or after August 1, 2017. This field name was previously referred to as Obligated SMC Amount | yes |
obligatedSubrecipMgmtAmt | Subrecipient Management Costs Obligated |
Total amount obligated for Subrecipient Management Costs in dollars. Subrecipient Management Costs are any indirect costs, administrative expenses, and any other expenses not directly chargeable to a specific project that are reasonably incurred by a recipient or subrecipient in administering and managing an HMGP grant award. Subrecipient Management Costs only apply to disasters declared on or after August 1, 2017 | yes |
pendingProjectsQuantity | Pending Project Quantity |
Number of pending projects for the disaster | yes |
pendingFedShareProposedAmt | Pending Project Federal Share Proposed Amount |
Proposed federal share of the pending projects for the disaster | yes |
hash | Hash |
MD5 hash of fields and values of the record | no |
lastRefresh | Last Refresh |
Date the record was last updated in the API data store | yes |
id | ID |
Unique ID assigned to the record | yes |
See Also
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