OpenFEMA Dataset: Disaster Declarations Summaries - v2

Version: 2
Last Data Refresh: 01-31-2025
Key Value
Entity Name DisasterDeclarationsSummaries
API Endpoint
Update Frequency R/PT20M
Program URL
Category Disaster Information
Keywords disaster


Disaster Declarations Summaries is a summarized dataset describing all federally declared disasters. This dataset lists all official FEMA Disaster Declarations, beginning with the first disaster declaration in 1953 and features all three disaster declaration types: major disaster, emergency, and fire management assistance. The dataset includes declared recovery programs and geographic areas (county not available before 1964; Fire Management records are considered partial due to historical nature of the dataset).

Please note the unique structure of the disaster sequencing (due to a numbering system that originated in the 1950's-1970's):

0001-1999 Major Disaster Declaration

2000-2999 Fire Management

3000-3999 Emergency Declaration (Special Emergency)

4000-4999 Major Disaster Declaration

5000-5999 Fire Management

For more information on the disaster declaration process, see and

This is raw, unedited data from FEMA's National Emergency Management Information System (NEMIS) and as such is subject to a small percentage of human error. The dataset is primarily composed of historical data that was manually entered into NEMIS after it launched in 1998.

Additionally, NEMIS utilizes census data from the United States Census Bureau in which Tribal Nations are listed as localities within a State. As such, disaster declarations for Tribal Nations are currently included in State data.

Citation: FEMA's citation requirements for datasets (API usage or file downloads) can be found on the OpenFEMA Terms and Conditions page, Citing Data section:

For answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the OpenFEMA program, API, and publicly available datasets, please visit:

If you have media inquiries about this dataset, please email the FEMA Press Office at or call (202) 646-3272. For inquiries about FEMA's data and Open Government program, please email the OpenFEMA team at

Full Data

Format Address Record Count Approximate File Size
csv Link to csv 67363 small (10MB - 50MB)
json Link to json 67363 small (10MB - 50MB)
jsona Link to jsona 67363 small (10MB - 50MB)
jsonl Link to jsonl 67363 small (10MB - 50MB)
parquet Link to parquet 67363 tiny (< 10MB)

Data Fields

Name Title Type Description Is Searchable
femaDeclarationString FEMA Declaration String
Agency standard method for uniquely identifying Stafford Act declarations - Concatenation of declaration type, disaster number and state code. Ex: DR-4393-NC yes
disasterNumber Disaster Number
Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. For more information on the disaster process, please visit yes
state State
The name or phrase describing the U.S. state, district, or territory yes
declarationType Declaration Type
Two character code that defines if this is a major disaster, fire management, or emergency declaration. For more information on the disaster process, please visit yes
declarationDate Declaration Date
Date the disaster was declared yes
fyDeclared FY Declared
Fiscal year in which the disaster was declared yes
incidentType Incident Type
The primary or official type of incident such as fire or flood. Secondary incident types may have been designated. See the designatedIncidentTypes field. For more information on incident types, please visit yes
declarationTitle Declaration Title
Title for the disaster yes
ihProgramDeclared IH Program Declared
Denotes whether the Individuals and Households program was declared for this disaster. For more information on the program, please visit To determine which FEMA events have been authorized to receive Individual Assistance, use both ihProgramDeclared and iaProgramDeclared. For more information see yes
iaProgramDeclared IA Program Declared
Denotes whether the Individual Assistance program was declared for this disaster. For more information on the program, please visit To determine which FEMA events have been authorized to receive Individual Assistance, use both ihProgramDeclared and iaProgramDeclared. For more information see yes
paProgramDeclared PA Program Declared
Denotes whether the Public Assistance program was declared for this disaster. For more information on the program, please visit yes
hmProgramDeclared HM Program Declared
Denotes whether the Hazard Mitigation program was declared for this disaster. For more information on the program, please visit yes
incidentBeginDate Incident Begin Date
Date the incident itself began yes
incidentEndDate Incident End Date
Date the incident itself ended yes
disasterCloseoutDate Disaster Closeout Date
Date all financial transactions for all programs are completed yes
tribalRequest Tribal Request
Denotes that a declaration request was submitted directly to the President, independently of a state, by a Tribal Nation. yes
fipsStateCode FIPS State Code
FIPS two-digit numeric code used to identify the United States, the District of Columbia, US territories, outlying areas of the US and freely associated states yes
fipsCountyCode FIPS County Code
FIPS three-digit numeric code used to identify counties and county equivalents in the United States, the District of Columbia, US territories, outlying areas of the US and freely associated states. Please note that Indian Reservations are not counties and thus will not have a FIPS county code, please utilize the placeCode field instead. If the designation is made for the entire state, this value will be 000 as multiple (all) counties cannot be entered. yes
placeCode Place Code
A unique code system FEMA uses internally to recognize locations that takes the numbers '99' + the 3-digit county FIPS code. There are some declared locations that dont have recognized FIPS county codes in which case we assigned a unique identifier yes
designatedArea Designated Area
The name or phrase describing the geographic area that was included in the declaration yes
declarationRequestNumber Declaration Request Number
Number assigned to the declaration request yes
lastIAFilingDate Last IA Filing Date
Last date when IA requests can be filed. Data available after 1998 only. The date only applies if IA has been approved for the disaster. yes
incidentId Incident Identifier
Unique identifier for an incident. Incidents are events that may or may not become declared disasters. yes
region Region
Number (1-10) used to represent the FEMA region where the disaster occurred. yes
designatedIncidentTypes Declared Incident types
A comma-separated list of incident types designated for the disaster. The primary incident type is described in the incidentType field. Codes are: 0: Not applicable; 1: Explosion; 2: Straight-Line Winds; 3: Tidal Wave; 4: Tropical Storm; 5: Winter Storm; 8: Tropical Depression; A: Tsunami; B: Biological; C: Coastal Storm; D: Drought; E: Earthquake; F: Flood; G: Freezing; H: Hurricane; I: Terrorist; J: Typhoon; K: Dam/Levee Break; L: Chemical; M: Mud/Landslide; N: Nuclear; O: Severe Ice Storm; P: Fishing Losses; Q: Crop Losses; R: Fire; S: Snowstorm; T: Tornado; U: Civil Unrest; V: Volcanic Eruption; W: Severe Storm; X: Toxic Substances; Y: Human Cause; Z: Other yes
lastRefresh Last Refresh
Date the record was last updated in the API data store yes
hash Hash
MD5 Hash of the fields and values of the record no
id ID
Unique ID assigned to the record yes

See Also

Access the metadata API calls for additional information:

Last updated