What state, territory and the District of Columbia funds may be used to cover the state/territory’s 25% cost share match for supplemental lost wages assistance?

If a state, territory and the District of Columbia opts for individuals to receive a $300 additional supplemental lost wages payment per week, states/territories may use the total benefits paid with state/territory unemployment funds to eligible claimants (individuals who meet both the self-certification and $100 eligibility provision) beginning with the week ending August 1, 2020 and moving forward to the end of the program as the required non-federal match. This total amount may be used to cover the state/territory match for supplemental lost wages assistance paid on both regular unemployment compensation and all federally-funded programs. Administrative costs will also include a 75% federal cost share and a 25% state/territory cost share.

If a state, territory and the District of Columbia wants individuals to receive a $400 additional supplemental lost wages payment per week, the state/territory must identify other state/territory funds, which may include CRF, general revenue, or other state/territory fund sources, to cover the $100 state/territory contribution in addition to the $300 federal contribution.

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