Residential Coastal Construction
Designed to train participants in using the FEMA P-55 Coastal Construction Manual. This course and publication provide a comprehensive approach to planning, siting, designing, constructing, and maintaining homes in the coastal environment. The course contains in-depth descriptions of design, construction and maintenance practices that, when followed, will increase the durability of residential buildings in the harsh coastal environment and reduce economic losses associated with coastal natural disasters.
- Understand the basic principles of designing in a coastal environment: design premise, design framework, constraints, and defining a “successful” building.
- Understand the differences in design requirements and expected performance between coastal and inland construction.
- Understand the significance and “lessons” of historical events at the coast.
- Describe minimum requirements and “best practices” for coastal construction.
- Identify coastal hazards at potential building sites and identify where to obtain pertinent information.
- Understand how to calculate design loads and conditions.
- Understand the continuous load path principle.
- Identify siting, design, construction, and maintenance defects that result in vulnerable buildings.
Delivery Details
- Architects
- Engineers
- Floodplain managers
- Code officials
- FEMA staff
- Professionals in hazard mitigation, planning, zoning, public works, and other related sectors
Delivery Options
FQS, EMI, Community, JiTT
- FQS Course Number: 7279
- EMI Course Number: 0386
Days: 4