FEMA Media Library

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Pandemic Influenza Continuity of Operations Annex Template

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CTA-0 Summary Sheet Overview

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is offering a Collaborative Technical Assistance (CTA) series to help communities at risk of dam-related flooding to better understand their risk landscape and the potential consequences of dam-related emergencies. The CTA will include planning for emergencies related to operational discharges or dam-related infrastructure failure. This document outlines the proposed concept of operations, schedule, goals, and objectives for a CTA offering.

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CTA-3 Stakeholder Engagment and Communication

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CTA-6 Plan Implementation and Program Evaluation

This group of sessions will take place after the main planning effort has been completed. It will provide opportunities for plan validation, exercise planning, and conducting an after-action review (AAR) and briefings to senior leaders and other stakeholders. FEMA works collaboratively with communities to set their own goals and objectives. Below are common session outlines and results.

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Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program - Hostile Action Based (HAB) Exercise Toolkit

The purpose of the FEMA REPP HAB Exercise Tool Kit is to provide Offsite Response Organizations (OROs) with several different “tools” which may be used to facilitate reviews of plans and procedures in advance of an HAB REPP exercise.

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Interim Standard Operating Guide - REP PCA DIR SOG

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Pandemic Influenza Continuity of Operations Annex Template Instructions

This template provides guidance to assist organizations in developing a Pandemic Influenza Continuity of Operations Plan or, if the organization already has a continuity plan, a Pandemic
Influenza Annex. General guidance and sample information is provided for reference and organizations are encouraged to tailor Pandemic Influenza Continuity Plans to meet specific organizational needs and requirements.

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SF-425 Federal Financial Report

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August 2020 - Ready.gov Search Performance Metrics

Ready.gov Search performance metrics collected from Google Analytics for August 2020