Historic Disasters - Hurricane Michael

People are sitting around a table. Attention is focused on a gray-haired man seated on the far side of the table.

Chief Executive of the National Flood Insurance Program Meets with FEMA Mitigation in Tallahassee after Hurricane Michael

Tallahassee, Florida, – David Maurstad, chief executive of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) meets with the FEMA Mitigation team at the Area Field Office in Tallahassee, Florida following Hurricane Michael. FEMA partners with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, other federal agencies, the state, local communities, counties, tribal entities, private sector, and voluntary organizations active in disaster (VOAD) to provide assistance to disaster survivors and local communities. Photo by Christopher Mardorf / FEMA.

 table with blue cover and multiple stacks of brochures and publications arranged and displayed on table top. Photo by  Robert Kaufmann/FEMA

FEMA Mitigation Information Made Available at Florida Seafood Festival

Apalachicola, FL, - The 55th Annual Florida Seafood Festival hosted FEMA at the front gate of the event to provide information and assistance to survivors of Hurricane Michael. Mitigation information was available to the attendees as well as representatives to speak with survivors.

People sitting around tables in front of emergency vehicle.

Survivor Assistance Provided by FEMA at Festival

Apalachicola, FL, - Representatives from FEMA's Disaster Survivors Assistance Team, Mitigation, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the Small Business Administration provide information and assistance to survivors of Hurricane Michael that are attending the 55th Annual Florida Seafood Festival. Robert Kaufmann/FEMA

A tight crowd shot with a man (seen from behind) wearing a blue vest with a yellow stripe going across and FEMA written above. He is walking through the crowd.

FEMA Attends Florida Seafood Festival

Apalachicola, FL, —FEMA was at the 55th Florida Seafood Festival this weekend to offer mitigation information, help residents register for assistance and to answer questions from Hurricane Michael survivors. Disaster Survivor Assistance (DSA) specialists also walked through the crowd offering information about resources for survivors. Michael devastated the Panhandle three and a half weeks ago. FEMA/K.C. Wilsey

 A woman in the foreground is holding a box containing a blue tarp in and in her other hand she holds a bucket of supplies and a bag from the Red Cross. Behind her are other family members carrying supplies. Behind them are crafts booths.

FEMA Attends 55th Florida Seafood Festival

Apalachicola, FL, —FEMA was at the 55th Florida Seafood Festival this weekend to offer mitigation information, help residents register for assistance and to answer questions for survivors of Hurricane Michael. American Red Cross and the Salvation Army were also at the festival, offering tarps and supplies to survivors. Michael devastated the Panhandle three and a half weeks ago. FEMA/K.C. Wilsey

 group of people standing in front of a table in aisle of store

FEMA Reaches Out To Survivors at Lowe's

Tallahassee, FL, - A FEMA Mitigation Specialist speaks with a survivor shopping at the Lowe's Home Improvement Center in Tallahassee. Robert Kaufmann/FEMA

two men standing engaged in conversation in front of table and sign that says Mitigation

FEMA Representative Speaks With Customer at Home Improvement Center

Tallahassee, FL, - A FEMA Mitigation Specialist speaks with a survivor shopping at the Lowe's Home Improvement Center in Tallahassee. Robert Kaufmann/FEMA

roup of people around a table at store with mitigation sign and literature on table

FEMA Representatives Assisting Survivors at Home Depot

Panama City, FL, - FEMA Mitigation Team at Home Depot reaching out to customers that have been affected by Hurricane Michael offering assistance in their recovery process. Robert Kaufmann/FEMA

people around table in store with Mitigation sign and brochures

FEMA Mitigation Representative Listening To Hurricane Michael Survivor

Panama City, FL, - FEMA Mitigation Team at Home Depot reaching out to customers that have been affected by Hurricane Michael offering assistance in their recovery process. Robert Kaufmann/FEMA

person seated behind table full of literature speaking to person standing in store

FEMA Mitigation Offering Assistance at Walmart

Callaway, FL, - Representative from FEMA Mitigation offers assistance to local survivor shopping at Walmart. Robert Kaufmann/FEMA

Panama City, FL, December 6, 2018 - Hurricane Michael survivors seek assistance from FEMA at Senator Marco Rubio's Recovery Assistance Center in Bay High School's Gymnasium. Robert Kaufmann/FEMA

FEMA Assists Survivors at Rubio's Recovery Assistance Center

Panama City, FL, - Hurricane Michael survivors seek assistance from FEMA at Senator Marco Rubio's Recovery Assistance Center in Bay High School's Gymnasium. Robert Kaufmann/FEMA

table with FEMA banner on it and several people

FEMA at Walmart in Panama City, Florida

Panama City, FL, - FEMA Mitigation Outreach set up a table in Walmart to present recovery information to survivors of Hurricane Michael shopping at the store. Robert Kaufmann/FEMA

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