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About Hazard Mitigation Assistance

The FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) Division’s vision is to be a driver for resilience through partnerships and mitigation investments with states, tribes, territories and local governments.  The program’s mission is to design, build and nurture high-performing teams that promote and deliver risk reduction programs.

Hazard Mitigation Assistance Division

A generic web page.

Learn about the program’s activities and accomplishments in the 2022 Year in Review.

Hazard Mitigation Officers

FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant programs are provided to states, tribes or territories who are applicants.  These entities manage funds and provide sub-grants to local governments. Local communities can contact their respective hazard mitigation officer for more information.

Loss Avoidance Study Summaries

Loss Avoidance Studies quantify the losses avoided (also known as damage prevented or benefits) due to the implementation of the projects.

External Stakeholder Working Group

The External Stakeholder Working Group provides an open channel of communication between federal representatives and state, local, tribal or territorial stakeholders.

News and Announcements

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