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It’s Not Luck! 3 Preparedness Tips You’ll Find at the End of the Rainbow

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Don’t rely on the luck of the Irish or a four-leaf clover to make sure you’re ready to face a potential disaster. Instead, take steps yourself to prepare for disasters and emergencies now. You can begin by assessing your riskcreating a plan and building an emergency kit

The “It’s Not Luck” campaign focuses on taking control and not leaving preparedness to chance. On, you can find safety and preparedness messages to share on your social media channels or with friends and family. 

Be ready by using the following preparedness tools: 

Find Your Pot of Gold by Assessing Your Risk

Rainbow on pot of gold. "Luck is for leprechauns. Plan ahead to be ready for a disaster."

What types of emergencies are most likely to happen in your area or the places you visit? Do you live in a flood zone or an area prone to wildfires? 

Just like a leprechaun carefully assesses their surroundings before hiding a pot of gold, take the time to assess the risks in your area. Identify potential hazards, such as severe weather, power outages or other emergencies that could impact you and your family.

Download the FEMA App for preparedness strategies and real-time weather and emergency alerts.

Create a Leprechaun-Approved Evacuation Plan

Hands on a laptop. "It's Not Luck. It's Knowing the Way Out."

Just as a leprechaun follows the rainbow to find a safe spot to hide their gold, you should have an emergency route for when you need to evacuate. Create a plan with your family and loved ones to follow in the event of an emergency. This plan should include a designated meeting spot and a way to communicate with each other.

Many kinds of emergencies may require you to evacuate. In some cases, you may have a day or two to prepare, while other situations might call for an immediate evacuation. Planning is vital to ensuring you can evacuate quickly and safely, no matter the circumstances.

Build an Emergency Kit as Your Lucky Charm

Is your go bag ready to sham-rock and roll in case of a disaster?

During an emergency, being able to pull any item you need out of your emergency kit can feel like luck. But it’s not just luck – it is planning for what you might need in the event of an emergency. A disaster supply kit is a collection of your essential items. 

Make sure your kit has:

  • Enough foodwater and supplies to last at least 72 hours. 
  • A first aid kit and any medication you or your family members may need. 

Consider including items that provide comfort for even the smallest leprechauns in your household, such as coloring books or games. 

With your emergency kit ready, you'll be able to weather any storm that comes your way!

Don't leave disaster preparedness to chance. To learn more about the campaign and preparedness, visit
