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Washington, D.C.: Stormwater Flood Mitigation

Benefits: Reduces flooding, heat, and heat island effect.

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Washington, D.C.: $18.61 Million


Flooding in Southwest Washington, D.C. regularly results in localized structural damages and impacts to critical facilities--such as a police station serving over 100,000 people.

Project Description

This project will incorporate subsurface (blue) and landscape (green) mitigation strategies to create a greenway corridor between two parks that collects, treats, and moves water away from the low-lying areas, thereby enhancing the parks’ public amenities and diverting sewer overflow. The resulting co-benefits will include a local reduction of heat and a heat island effect; the enhancement of the park’s public amenities; opportunities to raise public awareness of stormwater mitigation; and the diversion of sewer overflow that impacts the Chesapeake Bay.
