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C. Calculation of the Benefit-Cost Ratio Using the Benefit-Cost Analysis Toolkit

FEMA developed the BCA Toolkit to facilitate the process of preparing a BCA. Using the BCA Toolkit will ensure the calculations are prepared in accordance with OMB Circular A-94 and FEMA’s standardized methodologies.

The BCA Toolkit consists of modules for a range of major natural hazards and project types. Given the right data, the BCA Toolkit can analyze nearly any hazard mitigation project type.

The most recent version of the BCA Toolkit, including detailed instructions on how to download and use the tool, may be found on the FEMA “Benefit-Cost Analysis” webpage.

Other methods to demonstrate cost-effectiveness may be used when they address an uncorrectable flaw in the FEMA-approved methodologies or propose a new approach that is unavailable using current tools. New methodologies may be used only if FEMA approves the methodology before application submission. The request must provide justification of why the subapplicant cannot use the standard BCA tools and provide documentation to support the claim.