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Add a New Team Member

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This section is for AORs and SARs only.

Step 1

From the “Manage My Team” screen, select the “Add new team member” button to add team members. This will bring up a new dialog box.

FEMA GO landing page for managing team members

Step 2

Enter the email address of the new team member, then select “Enter.”

Image of screen that appears when Add a new team member link is selected

Step 3

Click “Yes” to confirm that you wish to add the person.

Step 4

Select a user role within the organization.

Step 5

Click “Add this team member” to submit the request.

Confirming how to add a member to the team and assigning a role image. And Image of screen that details the permissions of each role within the organization on the Grants application system
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New members will receive an email that they need to register in FEMA GO.