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D.4. FMA: Management Costs

FEMA may provide financial assistance to reimburse the recipient and subrecipient for eligible and reasonable indirect costs, direct administrative costs and other administrative expenses associated with a specific mitigation measure or project. Applicants may apply for applicant management costs of up to 10% of the total FMA application for management of the award and all selected subawards.[339] Applicants requesting management costs must submit a separate management costs subapplication.

Subapplicants may apply for a maximum of 5% of the total funds requested in a subapplication for management costs.[340] Subapplicants requesting management costs must include them as a separate line item in the project or planning subapplication. Additional management costs requirements may be found in the NOFO. If any requirements in the HMA Guide conflict with the NOFO, the requirements in the NOFO take precedence.