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E.2. Post-Disaster Code Enforcement

In addition to mitigating damage to a facility, PA and HMGP can be used for post-disaster building code enforcement. As part of PA, FEMA is authorized to provide assistance to state and local governments for building code and floodplain administration and enforcement, including inspections for substantial damage compliance, for a period of not more than 180 days after the major disaster is declared. More information can be found in FEMA Policy #204-079-01, Building Code and Floodplain Management Administration and Enforcement (Oct. 15, 2020).

HMGP can also provide assistance for post-disaster building code activities during recovery and to continue past the 180-day PA limit if needed. If a recipient or subrecipient receives PA for building code enforcement and administration activities and intends to continue these activities after PA is no longer available, they should submit a subapplication under HMGP as soon as possible. This way, the subapplication can be reviewed and approved before the 180-day PA limit expires.

HMGP and HMGP Post Fire post-disaster code enforcement projects are eligible to cover extraordinary post-disaster code enforcement costs that ensure disaster-resistant codes are implemented during disaster reconstruction after normal costs of the building department are deducted. For more information, refer to Part 11.

In addition to HMGP post-disaster code enforcement projects, building code activities may be funded under the 5 Percent Initiative and the 5 Percent Codes and Standards. For more on codes and standards, including eligibility and assistance restrictions, refer to Part 11.