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A. Efficient and Effective Grants Management for Recipients

Before applying for a grant opportunity, applicants and subapplicants should commit to practicing efficient grants management and complete activities in a timely manner. Efficient grants management supports the delivery of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) programs.

Efficient grants management includes:

  • Submitting complete applications.
  • Submitting all subapplications prior to the close of the application period.
  • Conducting monitoring and performance tracking of expenditures within the period of performance.
  • Submitting quarterly progress and financial reports on time.
  • Ensuring the completion of appropriate environmental and historic preservation (EHP) documentation and actions, as applicable.
  • Finishing mitigation activities before the end of the period of performance.
  • Submitting final progress and financial reports on time.
  • Closing the award in a timely manner.
  • Maintaining fiscal responsibility.
  • Complying with the terms and conditions of the award (including FEMA-state and FEMA-tribal agreements).
  • Ensuring there are trained staff who understand the program and provide technical assistance to the subrecipients.