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Additional Assistance for Repair or Replacement of Damaged Wells, Furnaces, Bridges and Septic Systems May Be Provided by FEMA upon Appeal

Release Date:
Oktòb 22, 2021

Pennsylvania homeowners in Bedford, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Northampton, Philadelphia, and York counties whose furnaces, septic systems, bridges and/or wells were damaged between Aug. 31, 2021 - Sep. 5, 2021 by the remnants of Hurricane Ida may be eligible for financial assistance under FEMA’s Individuals and Households Program. People who are determined ineligible, or received an initial amount for cleaning or testing, have the right to appeal for additional assistance in some cases up to the actual cost of repair or replacement of furnaces, septic systems, bridges and wells.

What type of assistance is available?

  • Survivors should register by calling 800-621-3362 (TTY: 800-462-7585). You can also register online at
  • For private wells and bridges, furnaces, and septic systems, FEMA may have provided applicants with an initial amount of financial assistance to have these items cleaned and/or tested.
  • FEMA may be able to provide additional financial assistance for the actual cost of the repair or replacement of these items that were functioning before, but damaged or destroyed by the disaster and not covered by insurance.
  • An appeal letter with verifiable contractor estimates or receipts for the repair or replacement of these items needs to be submitted to FEMA for consideration. The estimate or receipts must include the telephone number of the contractor or service professional. 

How do I appeal?

You may appeal FEMA’s decision. Appeals must be submitted in writing within 60 days of the date of FEMA’s letter determining eligibility.

Survivors of the damage caused by the remnants of Hurricane Ida between Aug. 31, 2021 - Sep. 5, 2021 in Bedford, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Northampton, Philadelphia, and York counties who registered with FEMA may have received a determination letter regarding eligibility for assistance. Read the letter carefully. It may not be the final answer. FEMA may simply need additional information or documentation to process your application.

If you have questions or need to speak about your eligibility status, call 800-621-3362, open daily from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., EDT. Help is available in most languages.

Applicants can appeal a FEMA determination. To do so, you need to submit supporting information along with a letter describing in detail the reason (or reasons) you are appealing.

You should include your full name, FEMA application number and disaster number, pre-disaster primary residence address and current phone number and address on all submitted documents. You can find the application and disaster number printed on page 1 of your determination letter.

You can submit your appeal and any associated documentation by:

  1. Mailing your documents and letter within 60 days of receiving your determination letter to the address below.Your letter with accompanying documents must be postmarked within 60 days of the date on your letter from FEMA regarding your eligibility.

    FEMA National Processing Service Center
    P.O. Box 10055
    Hyattsville, MD 20782-7055
  2. Uploading your documentation online at
  3. Faxing your information to 800-827-8112.

If someone other than you or the co-applicant is writing the letter, you must sign a statement affirming that the person may act on your behalf. You should keep a copy of your appeal for your records.

In addition, it’s important to make sure FEMA has your current contact information, including addresses, phone numbers and bank accounts. If FEMA does not have your correct contact information, you may miss letters or phone calls about your application, your appeal or your payment status.

By appealing, you are asking FEMA to review your case. If you have questions, call the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362. TTY users may call 800-462-7585. Lines are open 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. EDT daily.

For more information:

Visit or follow the FEMA Region 3 Twitter account at

For concerns and allegations of discrimination, please contact the Office of Equal Rights at headquarters at 202-212-3535 or
