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Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Available to Louisiana Homeowners

Release Date:
Janvye 21, 2021

FEMA funds a variety of mitigation measures through the Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grant program, including the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). The Louisiana Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) manages the grants, while local jurisdictions are responsible for working with their residents on mitigation projects they submit to the state for selection.


Hurricane Laura, Delta, and Zeta Survivors May Apply

Only when a major disaster is declared, HMGP funding may be available to homeowners to help rebuild their homes safer, stronger, smarter. This act of building back to reduce damage to your home in a future disaster is called mitigation. HMGP is available, statewide, in the wake of Hurricanes Laura and Delta.

Benefits of Building Back Safer, Stronger, Smarter

You may be eligible for HMGP assistance for up to 75% of your mitigation costs. While mitigation may involve a significant initial investment, its benefits outweigh the costs. FEMA estimates that on average, for every $1 spent on mitigation, $6 are saved from future losses.

Building back safer, stronger, smarter:

  • Increases the strength of your home to help withstand severe weather or high winds; and
  • May lower the cost of your homeowner’s flood insurance premiums; and
  • May increase the value of your property.


Application Review

Your local government manages and selects HMGP project applications based on its Hazard Mitigation Plan. Completed applications are sent to GOHSEP, which administers the HMGP grants.

The GOHSEP and FEMA review applications for eligibility and completeness, cost-effectiveness, technical feasibility and Environmental and Historic Preservation compliance. FEMA approves eligible projects for funding and notifies GOHSEP.  In turn, GOHSEP will notify the local government.

Work started before FEMA’s review and approval of a project (except basic repair work necessary to make your home habitable) may make the project ineligible for FEMA consideration. After approval, the state will work with the local community to ensure project completion.



To meet FEMA’s requirements for reimbursement, you must keep detailed records of payments to contractors. Your local officials will ask you to provide compliance documentation so they can finalize the project and approve reimbursement requests. FEMA will reimburse you only after the approved work has been completed.



For More Information:

  • Click here for state resources.
  • If you want to know more about FEMA HMA grants, contact your Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (OHSEP) or your GOHSEP Hazard Mitigation State Applicant Liaison (SAL).
  • You can also download the GOHSEP 10 Things to Know About Funding Hazard Mitigation.
  • Click here for federal resources, and more information about HMGP and other HMA grants.