alert - warning

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Mississippi Covid-19 Pandemic

alert - warning

Peryòd ensidan COVID-19 la te fini 11 Me 2023. FEMA ap kontinye bay fasistans fineray jiska 30 septanm 2025, pou moun ki pèdi moun ki chè pouyo akòz pandemi sa a.


Peryòd Ensidan: Jan 20, 2020 - Me 11, 2023

Dat Deklarasyon: Apr 5, 2020

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Resous Lokal

Nouvèl & Laprès Lokal

Vizite paj Nouvèl & Laprès pou jwenn aktyalite, fich ransèyman, nòt laprès, ak lòt resous miltimedya.

Local Resources Custom Text

How You Can Get Vaccinated

The CDC is providing recommendations to federal, state, and local governments about who should be vaccinated first.

CDC’s recommendations are based on those of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, an independent panel of medical and health experts

To find a provider near you:

? Search
? Text your ZIP code to 438829 GETVAX) in English or 822862 (VACUNA) in Spanish
? Call 1-800-232-0233

Ensuring Equitable Vaccine Access

FEMA is committed to ensuring every person who wants a vaccine gets one. We are supporting the state by providing equipment, funding and personnel to vaccination centers.  Civil Rights | Equity

Funeral Assistance

COVID-19 funeral grants can help with funeral services and interment or cremation.

You may qualify if:

  1. You are a U.S. citizen, non-citizen national, or qualified alien who paid for funeral expenses after January 20, 2020.
  2. The funeral expenses are for an individual whose death in the United States, U.S. territories or the District of Columbia, were likely the result of COVID-19.

Funeral Assistance Line

Call 844-684-6333 (TTY: 800-462-7585) to apply for assistance Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Eastern Time.

Multilingual services are available. The assistance line can help applicants in nearly 40 languages.

Find additional facts at

Rumor Control

To distinguish fact from rumor regarding the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, visit Coronavirus Rumor Control.

Obligasyon Finansman

Asistans Endividyèl Montan
Total Asistans Lòt Bezwen (Other Needs Assistance - ONA) - Dola ki Apwouve $51,723,334.53
Total Pogram Endividyèl & Kay Dola ki Apwouve $51,723,334.53
Aplikasyon Asistans Endividyèl ki Apwouve 7622
Asistans Piblik Montan
Travay Ijans (Kategori A-B) - Obligasyon Dola $342,927,660.24
Total Dola pou Sibvansyon pou Asistans piblik ki angaje $357,501,505.14
Asistans pou Atenye Malè Pandye Montan
Pwogram Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (Sibvansyon pou Diminisyon Danje, HMGP) - Obligasyon dola $3,489,076.28