Nonprofit Security Grant Program - National Security Supplemental Key Changes

Release Date:
October 28, 2024

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The Nonprofit Security Grant Program - National Security Supplemental (NSGP-NSS) provides funding support for facility hardening and other physical security enhancements and activities to nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of terrorist or other extremist attack. This document outlines key changes for the NSGP-NSS funding.

NSGP-NSS Funding

The National Security Supplemental (Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024, Pub. L. No. 118-50) provided $390 million in supplemental funding for NSGP. $180 million of the funding was added to the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 NSGP Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). The remaining $210 million will be awarded as part of the NSGP-NSS.

NSGP-NSS Technical Assistance 

NSGP-NSS allows for states to use up to 2% of the total grant awarded to provide outreach and technical assistance to eligible nonprofit organizations. Outreach and technical assistance sourced with this additional funding should prioritize rural and underserved communities and nonprofit organizations that are traditionally underrepresented in the program. If a state would like to receive this funding, they must indicate that in their FEMA GO application by creating a Technical Assistance project. 

Investment Justification Funding Request Limit Increase

Each Investment Justification can now request up to $200,000 per location/physical site/address. A nonprofit organization may submit application packages for up to three sites per NSGP-NSS-UA and NSGP-NSS-S funding stream, for a maximum of $600,000 per subapplicant organization per state or territory. The amount of funding requested (maximum of $600,000) and number of submissions per nonprofit organization (maximum of six applications, three under NSGP-NSS-S and three under NSGP-NSS-UA) may not exceed these limits per state or territory. In states with no Urban Area, no more than three applications per nonprofit organization are allowable. 

Consortium Applications

Eligible nonprofit organizations may apply through the SAA as a group of subapplicants, or a consortium. A consortium application is an opportunity for a nonprofit organization to act as a lead and apply for funding on behalf of itself and any number of other participating NSGP-NSS eligible nonprofit organizations. A consortium of nonprofit organizations must fill out one IJ (done by the consortium lead) and the Consortium Workbook, in addition to the Vulnerability Assessment(s) and Mission Statements. All nonprofit organizations in the consortium application must be compliant with the NSGP-NSS eligibility requirements. Nonprofit organizations may not apply both individually and as part of a consortium. The lead nonprofit organization and its partners must be the intended beneficiaries of the requested funding. The lead nonprofit organization shall not distribute grant-funded assets or provide grant-funded contractual services to non-compliant partner nonprofit organizations or other ineligible organizations.  If successful, the lead consortium member will accept the subaward on behalf of the consortium, implement the approved projects/contracts for all consortium member sites, and manage the subaward throughout the period of performance, to include ensuring that all terms and conditions of the subaward are met. 

Consortium may apply through the SAA for an award totaling $1 million. The $200,000 per site maximum still applies for each individual nonprofit organization within the consortium. Awards over $250,000 must comply with the Build America, Buy America Act (BABAA). For more information, see the NSGP-NSS NOFO. 

Total funding available for consortium applications is limited to 25% of the NSGP-NSS award allocation, or $52.5 million. 

  • $26.25 million is available for consortium subapplicants in NSGP-NSS-S. 
  • $26.25 million is available for consortium subapplicants in NSGP-NSS-UA.

Bonus points and multipliers will be applied for consortium applications based on the qualifying characteristics of the lead nonprofit organization.

For additional information, see the NSGP-NSS Consortium Application Guide.

Additional Review Points

New Subrecipients

Nonprofit organizations that have not previously received NSGP funding will not have bonus points added to their final score.

Final Scoring

To calculate an application’s final score, the subapplicant's SAA score will be multiplied:  

  • By a factor of four for nonprofit organizations facing heightened threat resulting from the Israel-Hamas war(subapplicants must draw a clear connection between the heightened threat they face and the Israel-Hamas war in their project narratives to qualify for this multiplier);
    • A Nonprofit organization that can demonstrate a clear threat of violence based on its actual or perceived views, positions, or advocacy related to aspects of the Israel-Hamas war.  Any nonprofit organization that can demonstrate it faces heightened threat resulting from the Israel-Hamas war is eligible for this multiplier, regardless of the organization’s purpose, mission, viewpoint, membership, or affiliations. Below are a few illustrative examples of scenarios that may qualify a nonprofit organization for this multiplier.:
      • A private, secular university that faces threats from violent extremists that are associated with increased protest activity relating to the Israel-Hamas war, resulting in the need for additional public safety assets.
      • An Arab organization that has been targeted, due to its ethnic affiliation, by violent extremists through online hate referencing the Israel-Hamas war.
      • A Jewish day school that was vandalized by violent extremists seeking to commit attacks based on the Israel-Hamas war.
      • An LGBTQI+ organization that faced violent protests during Pride events related to aspects of the Israel-Hamas war. 
      • A mosque that has received threats of violence based on the worldwide unrest because of the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.
      • A Sikh organization where a violent extremist attempted to access a holiday celebration due to the organization’s perceived position on the Israel-Hamas war. 

 These cases are merely illustrative, not exhaustive, of the types of nonprofits and conditions under which this multiplier would apply. For subapplicants who claim this multiplier, they must draw a clear connection between the heightened threat they face due to the ongoing conflict in the middle east, though descriptive examples of real-word situations to include, but not limited to, supporting documents such as insurance claims, threat reporting, police reports, and online threats. Note: This multiplier is specific to the NSGP-NSS funding opportunity only.

  • By a factor of three for ideology-based/spiritual/religious entities (e.g., houses of worship, ideology-based/spiritual/religious educational institutions, ideology-based/spiritual/religious medical facilities);
  • By a factor of two for secular educational and medical institutions; and
  • By a factor of one for all other nonprofit organizations.
Last updated