Non-Disaster Grants - Online Grantee Tutorials

This collection contains supplemental guidance that provides users with information on using the Non-Disaster Grants System.

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Accepting and Viewing Awards - ND Grants

Once an application is awarded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), ND Grants will generate a task for accepting the award. To review an award, navigate to the Grants Dashboard page, which lists all applications submitted for your organization in ND Grants.

The award packages for any applications awaiting acceptance will feature the Complete Award Offer Review icon in the Action column on the Grants Dashboard page. To proceed further (i.e., request payments, etc.), the award package must be accepted. If necessary, users can decline the award package.

Applying Through Workspace - ND Grants

To apply for a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) preparedness or mitigation grant, you must begin the application process through Once the initial application for Federal Assistance (SF-424) is complete in, the application will be automatically migrated for initial review in ND Grants. Once the initial review is complete, the application will be released to be completed in ND Grants.

Creating a Grants Account - ND Grants

ND Grants is a configurable grants management system that fulfills the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA’s) initiative to consolidate the entire non-disaster grants management lifecycle into a single system. ND Grants provides many features to help manage applications more efficiently by allowing grant recipients to create and manage applications as well as manage their awards.

To access the ND Grants system, you must first register an account. Registration can be completed within the FEMA portal at After the registration process is complete, your User ID and password will be used to log into ND Grants.

Creating An Organization - ND Grants

An organization serves as a recipient’s profile within ND Grants which allows recipients to create and manage their awards and applications. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requests that all applicants provide their organization’s contact information.

Creating Organization Contacts - ND Grants

An organization is a recipient’s profile within ND Grants, which allows recipients to create and manage their awards and applications. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requests that all applicants provide their organization’s contact information.

Deleting Amendment Requests - ND Grants

Once you accept an award package, you can make changes to it by submitting amendment requests. An amendment pending submission can be deleted or withdrawn. Once an amendment is submitted or approved, it cannot be deleted. To make additional changes to the award, you must submit a new amendment requesting the changes.

Forwarding Organization Access Requests - ND Grants

An organization serves as a recipient’s profile within ND Grants. If your organization already exists within ND Grants, you must submit an Organization Access Request to access the organization’s applications and awards.

If the existing Organization Administrator is unavailable to approve the request, you can forward the request to your FEMA Program Manager. The Program Manager can only approve an access request that includes the Organization Administration role but will approve the request if additional roles are included.

Managing Contacts in Applications - ND Grants

Applications submitted in and approved for eligibility will be released back to the applicant for completion in ND Grants. ND Grants will notify applicants via email to complete the application in the system.

If the contacts are not updated, you will be unable to submit the application. Additionally, to submit the application, you should assign yourself the Authorized Official role.

Creating Narrative Only Amendments - ND Grants

A narrative only amendment request is required to be submitted in ND Grants before requesting a payment in PARS. No other changes should be requested in the narrative only amendment request. The narrative amendment will proceed through FEMA internal review.

User Roles - ND Grants

An organization serves as a recipient’s profile within ND Grants, which allows recipients to create and manage their awards and applications. Once assigned an organizational role, users can manage their applications and grants. An Organization Administrator can assign and manage the roles within the organization.

Request to Reassign Award Offer Review Task - ND Grants

Once an application is approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), ND Grants will generate a task for accepting the award. If the Authorized Official assigned to complete the Award Offer Review task has left the organization, the new Authorized Official can request the Award Offer Review task be reassigned. FEMA will review the request, and if approved, the task will automatically reassign to the new Authorized Official.

Requesting Organization Access - ND Grants

Once you have created an ND Grants system user account, you must either request access to an existing organization, or create a new organization. If the organization has already been created, you must submit an Organization Access Request to access the organization’s applications and awards. Please do not create a new organization if there is an existing one in ND Grants. To request access to an organization, you must be an ND Grants user.

Reviewing Organization Access Requests - ND Grants

An organization serves as a recipient’s profile within the ND Grants, which allows recipients to view, create, and manage their awards. Once a new user has created an ND Grants account, they must either request access to an existing organization or create a new organization. If the organization has already been created in the system, the new user must submit an organization access request to access the organization’s applications and awards.

Submitting an Application After Initial Review - ND Grants

Applications submitted in and approved for eligibility will be released back to the applicant in ND Grants. Applicants will be notified via email to complete the application in ND Grants. There will not be a link on the ND Grants homepage for completing the application. Each step must be completed in order to submit the application.

Updating an Amendment Request - ND Grants

Once you receive an award package, you can make changes to the grant in ND Grants by submitting an amendment request. Depending on the type of changes included in the request, the amendment may require Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) approval. You can combine amendment types, and the amendment will proceed through the highest level of review based on the changes that are requested.

You can only update an amendment that is pending submission. Once an amendment is submitted or approved, it cannot be updated. To make additional changes to the award, you must submit a new amendment requesting the changes.

Updating Organization Contacts - ND Grants

An organization serves as a recipient’s profile within ND Grants, which allows recipients to create and manage their awards and applications. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requests that all applicants provide their organization’s contact information.

Updating Organization Details - ND Grants

An organization serves as a recipient’s profile within ND Grants which allows recipients to create and manage their awards and applications.

Updating Performance Progress Reports - ND Grants

As a part of the grant award, performance reporting is required. Once you accept an Award Package, you can submit PPRs through ND Grants. Using the progress report link, you can upload report documents, add comments, and submit it for FEMA review.

Viewing and Creating Amendments - ND Grant

Once you’ve accepted your award, you can make changes to the grant in ND Grants by submitting an amendment request. Depending on the type of changes included in the request, the amendment may require Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) approval. You can combine amendment types, and the amendment will proceed through the highest level of review based on the changes that are requested.

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