Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate Library

The Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate (OFIA) advocates for the fair treatment of National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) policyholders and property owners by:

  1. Providing education and guidance on all aspects of the NFIP
  2. Identifying trends affecting the public
  3. Making recommendations for NFIP improvements to FEMA leadership

Browse or search below to view fact sheets, annual reports, progress reports and periodic reports from OFIA.

Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate Fiscal Year 2023 Year in Review

OFIA Fiscal Year 2022 Report: Insights and Recommendations

Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate Periodic Report: Quarter 3, 2022

Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate Periodic Report: Quarter 2, 2022

Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate Periodic Report: Quarter 1, 2022

Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate Periodic Report: Quarter 4, 2021

Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate Periodic Report: Quarter 3, 2021

Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate Periodic Report: Quarter 2, 2021

Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate - Periodic Report: January -March 2021

Oficina del Defensor del Seguro de Inundación - La voz del cliente - 2021

Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate - The Voice of the Customer - 2021

Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate - Five Years of Advocacy - 2020

Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate - Periodic Report: October - December 2020

Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate - Periodic Report: April - June 2020

Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate - Periodic Report: January - March 2020

Informe de OFIA 2020 Cinco Años Defendiendo

OFIA Fact Sheet

This fact sheet provides information on the Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate (OFIA).

NFIP Resources Fact Sheet

This fact sheet provides resources to learn more about flood insurance, flood hazard mapping, floodplain management and Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grants issued through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate - Periodic Report: April - June 2019

Annual Report of the Flood Insurance Advocate - 2019

Last updated