Tips for returning home safely after a disaster

Release Number:
DR-4861-WV FS-004
Release Date:
March 10, 2025

Residents who have evacuated their homes should take precautions if the home had damage. Be aware that the structure may be weakened or contaminated with mold or sewage, which can cause health risks.

Be aware of hazards

Outside the home

  • Before entering your home, look outside for damaged power lines, gas lines, foundation cracks and other exterior damage. It may be too dangerous to enter the home until an inspector checks it out.
  • Turn the main electrical power and water systems off until you or a professional can ensure that they are safe. NEVER turn the power on or off or use an electrical tool or appliance while standing in water.
  • Smell for gas. If you smell natural gas or propane, or if you hear a hissing noise, leave immediately and contact the fire department.
  • Check the ceiling and floor for signs of sagging. Water trapped in the ceiling or floors may be unsafe to walk on.
  • Beware of rodents, snakes, insects, and other animals that may be on your property or in your home.

Inside the home

  • If your home was flooded or had high humidity due to the disaster, assume there is mold growth. Exposure to mold may increase health risks for survivors with asthma, allergies, or other breathing conditions.
  • Open doors and windows. Let the house air out before staying inside for any length of time if the house was closed for more than 48 hours.
  • For instructions on how to clean mold-infested areas, see resources from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
  • Wear protective clothing, including rubber gloves and rubber boots.
When in doubt, throw it out
  • Throw out items that absorb water and cannot be cleaned or disinfected (e.g., mattresses, carpeting, cosmetics, stuffed animals and baby toys).
  • Remove all drywall and insulation that has been in contact with flood waters.
  • Be careful when moving furnishings or debris since they may be waterlogged and heavier.
  • Throw out all food, beverages, and medicine exposed to flood waters and mud, including canned goods and containers with food or liquid that have been sealed shut.
FEMA and SBA review damages in Logan County. (Philip Maramba/FEMA)
FEMA and SBA review damages in Logan County. (Philip Maramba/FEMA)


Returning Home After A Disaster? Take Steps to be Safe Graphic



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