Take Advantage of These Resources to Assist Your Recovery

Release Date:
September 21, 2020

It’s easy to be confused by all the disaster resources available as you recover from Hurricane Laura, but here is a breakdown of agencies, programs, phone numbers and website links that you can use for help.

For FEMA assistance

  • FEMA can provide housing assistance, home repair, rental assistance, reimbursement for needed generators or chainsaws, and other disaster-related needs. To apply for FEMA assistance, add information or check status, go to disasterassistance.gov or call 800-621-3362.
  • Survivors can apply through the FEMA Mobile App. On an Android device: Text 2637643 (ANDROID) to 43362; on an Apple Device, text 27753 (APPLE) to 43362.
  • For Hurricane Laura updates, go to www.fema.gov/disaster/4559.
  • For reporting suspected scams, call the FEMA Disaster Fraud Hotline at 866-720-5721.

Roofing, Flood Insurance, SBA

  • For temporary repairs to damaged roofs, sign up with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at usace.army.mil/blueroof or call 888-766-3258/888-ROOF-BLU (Deadline to sign up is Sept. 30.).
  • For low-interest disaster loans, contact the U.S. Small Business Administration at disasterloan.sba.gov or call 800-659-2955.
  • For National Flood Insurance Program questions, send an email to floodsmart@fema.dhs.gov or call 877-336-2627.

Nonprofit and Volunteer Groups

  • For temporary sheltering needs, call 211 or text 527435837 (LASHELTER) to 898-211.

Power and Safety

Economic Recovery

For Disaster Unemployment Assistance is available in parishes designated for Individual Assistance. The deadline for filing varies from parish to parish. Go to www.laworks.net or call 866-783-5567 for specific deadlines and more information.

Last updated